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Yashika's pov
I am 5 months and 2 weeks pregnant today.
And today my mother in law decided to send me and Adhvik to my home.
I mean I enjoy it here.
I don't feel good there.
Best part Is adhvik is coming with me.

I feel I enjoy his company apart from physical relationship I feel a mental connection with him.
But I am sure he don't and that's why I don't admit anything.

We Sat in his car and he was just talking and I was looking at him with admiration.
He express his feelings and tensions with me and I feel good about it.
He even said that I am only person he shares his buisness problems with and I am proud of myself.

We reached at my house and I was welcomed there.
I wonder why.
Obviously because I am here with adhvik.
Honestly I would not say that my parents didn't love me but they never showed me that they do.
I never felt a connection with them.
I never felt like sharing anything my happiness and sorrows with them.
Also I never had such close friends to share anything so I kept them to myself but adhvik listens to me and console me when I am sad and cheer me more when I am happy and that make me like him more and more.

I sat on a sofa with adhvik by my side.
At first mom served Me a crossiant.
I am craving for a lot of sweet these days and only adhvik knows that.

I looked at him and he was looking at Mr smiling.
I think it's him?
How could he.

I ate the crossiant and they served me milkshake to be precise strawberry milkshake.

I love strawberry but my parents don't know that because they never asked and I never told them.
I looked at him again and he smiled again.
I think it's him....
But I only think....
Not sure about it.

My mom after a very long time had a heartfelt conversation with me.
I was shocked at first and then I felt nice.
I enjoyed talking with her....a lot.

And then 4 of us talked like a family.
Me, mom, papa and adhvik.
We were laughing together for the first time.

Then mom served Me my favorite food and I loved it so so so much.

I really felt very nice.
It felt like a much needed day.
I love my parents a lot.

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