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Yashika's pov
8 months and 2 days pregnant me decided to rest only after my baby shower.
Today after taking a bath I ordered my husband to make me some sandwich and he made them for me.

He entered in our room with a plate filled with sandwich in his hands.
"Thank you"
"My dear wife do not do formalities" He said.
He obviously think I am formal with him still.
But I am not it's just my habit to say thank you everytime someone do something for me.
(Admin:- it's my habit that's why I am including this here😂)

I tasted sandwich and damn they were delicious. He is nice cook too.
Good husband.

After eating I looked at him and he was smiling looking at me.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that."
"I was wondering if our daughter would be cute like you or more cute than you" He said still smiling.
"That means you want a daughter right?"
"Nope I just want a healthy child but I was just thinking" He justified.
"Okk okk dear husband. You just want a healthy child"

We shared a good laugh and when we stopped.
He took my hands in his and said "look yashi I know our marriage wasn't normal in terms of love but I think we are great couple I feel there is a unspoken chemistry between us. It's not love but it's Something that can't be expressed in words"

I smiled and said "I understand what you want to say.....and I feel the same for you"

He lean forward and hugged me and I hugged him back And then he kissed my belly and slept on my lap and I was caressing his hairs.

I felt that was the most beautiful moment of my life.

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