My Heart Chained To The Thirsty Chapter 6

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So here is chapter 6! I'm really sorry that I haven't uploaded for months, but that's because alot of bad things have been happening in my family lately, and with school and everything, it's soooooooooooooooo stressful! Anyway I hope you enjoy this chap and i'm really sorry about the wait, please don't hate me! :P xxx *puppy dog eyes* Plllleeeeeaaaasssseeee comment/vote/like because it is much appriciated. Thank you.      

Much love  x

I'll try and make this chap good cause i wanna make it up to you guys :D And if it's been so long you can't remember what happened last; read through the whole story again--i had too!!


Luna's P.O.V

I poured my fifth cup of coffee. This routine was getting kinda repetitive. The radio played the same songs over and over again. This was the third time i'd listened to 'Superbass', I now knew the rap off by heart. I was home alone today; Mom had taken Haven to a play group to meet new friends, which was nice considering Haven liked to spend most of her time alone or bugging me. I didn't care where Danny was.

I'd managed to haul myself out of bed this morning without actually throwing up. Which was nice for me. I'd been stuck in the house for two days because of my 'condition'. Well that's what the doctor had called it. It's not like I have a deadly disease or something, i only threw up in the girls toilets. And passed out. I hated doctors. They came along a prodded you with their thermometre's. Most of the time I wanna shove the thermometre right up their...

"Yo yo yo. Anybody home?" I heard Danny's voice boom through the house. He shouted like a monkey on coke. "Eugh no need to shout!" I screamed back slightly louder than nesscessary.

"Hey hey what's shakin'?" He asked unloading grocery bags onto the kitchen table. Potato chips, pop-tarts, fizzy pop, extra salty nuts and toffee popcorn. "Y'know Danny it makes me wonder why you aren't fat." It really did. He ate like a pig....actually.....he ate like an obese pig.

"Shut it kid. So do you feel better?" He asked unscrewing the lid of the fizzy pop.

"Yeah I think i'm over it. I think i'm high on this coffee though." He chuckled to himself.


I'd been watching horror movies for an hour and a half with Danny now. They were all the same. A couple people get their heads chopped off end of story. "Hey um I think i'm gonna take a walk." I said already tying up my red lace sneakers. "Are you gonna be okay on you're own?" Danny asked shoving yet another handful of potato chips down his throat. "Yeah i'll be fine. I'll see you later."

"Wait take your cell. You never know." I took the cell phone from Danny and shoved it into my empty backpack. "Later. Oh and if mom asks i went to get groceries. She doesn't need to know I went walking." Danny did a salute which I knew meant that he wouldn't tell.

"Hey Luna. Be careful." I nodded and walked out leaving him and his man cave behind.


I walked through the forest not really knowing where I was going, letting my sneakers take me where ever they wanted to. As I wandered through the overgrown grass (which was about thigh length) I had time to clear my head, what i'd been wanting to do ever since.........y'know. I'd forgotten what the fresh air smelt like. Now i knew, fresh cut grass and poop.

 A massive part of my brain was sure that Lucas was making it all up. The  posibillities that 'vampires' are real are none. Vampires didn't exsist. Period.  I couldn't and wouldn't ever believe it was true. But then a small part of my brain was unsure. It's not like Lucas TOLD me vampires exsist. I......saw it. Sounded crazy at the time and now it sounds even crazier now I thought about it. How could I have seen?

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