My Heart Chained To The Thirsty Chapter 4

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Heey! So this is chapter 4 and it's a long chapter because  I probably won't be able to write again for a long time now, seeing as I have tons of homework to finish before the easter holidays are over!  Please please please please comment and vote because people haven't been commenting lately (awh!) I love reading your comments, they always brighten my day. And plus if you want me to read any of your stories, leave a comment.

p.s: I KNOW there are alot of error's in all of the chapters, I WILL go through and check when i've finished the WHOLE story. I'm not very good with punctuation because I always have idea's and I just quickly write 'em down on wattpad before I forget! So I am really sorry!

But Anyway.......



Chapter 4

 I woke up early this morning because I went to bed too early last night. I looked out of my window watching the burning orange glow of fire rise up from behind the trees. It looked magnificent, strong, and mighty. I wish I was like the sun sometimes.

I waited for the sun to reach it's assigned position in the sky, then remembered that I still had school. I chucked on the first thing that reached my eyes. Dark purple capri pants, a white long sleeved camisole and my black converse sneakers. I brushed through my tangled hair which looked red in the sunlight. I'd always wondered whether I looked like my mother or my father. But I'd never know.

 My foster mother Haylie never really told me anything about them, just that my mom died giving birth to me and my father ran away. I often wished I had a picture or something to remember them by.

I glanced at my mickey mouse clock which was a reminder of the family trip to Disney World. It had just gone 7.00 which left me to do what I wanted. I tried not to make a noise as I was walking down the wooden staircase. If I woke Danny up my life was over. As I reached the bottom step it gave a long unsatisfying creak. Breakfast was the first thing on my mind. My stomach was growling as I got nearer the kitchen.

I put a cinnamon flavoured pop tart in the toaster. I got out a plate and placed it on the table. I leaned on the counter thinking for a moment. Suddenly a cold hand tapped me on the thigh. I jumped forward and accidently knocked the pop tarts onto the floor. "Shit!" I shouted after 6 pop tarts spread out all over the floor, leaving millions of golden pastry crumbs. Oh crap I just swore in front of my 5 year old sister.

"Naughty Luna, you said a baaaad word!" She stood there with her teddy 'Mr Snuggles' tucked underneath her arm. I collected up all of the wasted pop tarts and threw them into the bin. I swept up the crumbs before Haven stood in them and walked them around the house. "Hey Haven, come here." I said. She came squeezing her lips tightly together. We sat on a chair together, her on my lap.

"You have to promise Luna that you will never repeat that word again." I said looking sternly into her eyes. She was so adorable. Her huge brown eyes looked at me and she fluttered her beautifully long eyelashes. She was wearing her favourite Dora The Explorer pyjamas. 'Mr Snuggles' was sat on her lap and she was cuddling him tightly. Sometimes she used her long dark brown hair (almost black) as a blanket for him.

"Okaaaaay! Haven will neeeeever say that naughty word!" Then she reached up and planted a big sloppy kiss on my lips. "Love you." She said. And instead of cuddling 'Mr Snuggles' she wrapped her arms around my neck. I closed my eyes and snuggled my face into her neck. "I love you too." She let go and climbed onto a chair nearby, placing 'Mr Snuggles' onto a chair next to her.

The two cinnamon flavoured pop tarts popped up just in time. I gave one to Haven who was sharing her's with her teddy. It's so cute how she treats him human. Although if he was human she would've killed him already with love.

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