Chapter 5 - Character Charades

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I found this on Quora, don't know how true this is, but, we'll be using this for the story. 

"Mata Sita was his sister in law, whom he considered to be equal to his mother. So, he always kept his head down and saw her legs as a mark of respect. He might have seen her face but what he meant was that he never stared at her or nor did never try to see her in a detailed way because it was considered disrespect." - Kavana.N


As the day was starting to end, our trio got quite bored. Sita sighed, placing her head on Rama's shoulder, watching Lakshmana sharpen his sword. That was the most interesting thing to watch there.

"Alright, want to play a game?" Rama asked, and Sita's eyes lit up. Lakshmana looked intrigued too.

"What game do you have in mind?"  Sita asked, sitting up straight.

"I don't know.. I just thought that it'll be fun if we played a game." Lakshmana rolled his eyes sarcastically, then continued to sharpen his sword.

"Wait, I have an idea!" Sita said excitedly, "What if, we try to act as other people, and the others have to guess them?" Rama and Lakshmana nodded, "Raghunandan, you can go first."

Rama smiled, then stood up. He pretended to use a sword, and sliced the air with it.

"Lakshman?" Sita asked, Rama nodded a no. Rama sneakily walked behind Lakshmana, and when Lakshmana looked behind, Rama gently guided his head forward. He then pretended to 'scare' Lakshmana, then run away.

"I know who this idiot is, Shatru, na?" Rama nodded, and Sita chuckled, 

"Lakshman, your turn." Lakshmana went up smiling. He pretended to stare at something with horror and anger, then run towards it, using his hands to gesture 'no'. He then proceeded to pretend to angrily hold two people's ears, then scold them.

"I think it's Sumitra maa." Sita said, "Raghunandan had told me how naughty you and Shatrughna were in your childhood, and how you always gave Sumitra maa heart attacks." Rama laughed as Lakshmana looked down embarrassed.

"Well he always started it!" Lakshmana complained, and Rama gave him the, 'ahaa, sureee' look. Sita then proceeded to get up. 

"I think this one will be relatively easy." she facepalmed, then shook her head in disappointment. Rama and Lakshmana chuckled,

"Mandavi?" Rama asked and Sita nodded. That was one fun way to end the day.


This was really stupid, but that's okay. :)

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