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I woke up to an empty bed. I turned around to see two papers on the side table.

I took the bigger one to realise it as the handwritten letter. Eagerly I opened it and read.

Hello my beautiful lady,

Do you know how gorgeous you look? I sat the entire night watching you, while you slept like a baby.

I remembered how my life was before you came. I don't know how I lived all those years treasure.

I am angry at myself for being an idiot and pushed you away because of my stupid fears. I wish I could go back in time and change that day.

I could have been with you while you were carrying our Bittu, I could have been there during his first crawl, first steps and first words.

I could have been with you so you could have enjoyed your life, had a stress free pregnancy.

We could have started our lives way earlier.

I was such an idiot, ain't I? I am so sorry my treasure.

You know, My dad always calls my mom as precious. I thought it was too cheesy. But now I understood why he feels like that about her. Because I feel the same way with you.

You are my precious, my treasure to hold on to. The invaluable and immeasurable treasure. I will cherish you till the end of our lives.

I promise you Nivi ma, I will try to compensate the lost time for the rest of our lives. I will pamper you like anything while you carry our second child, so you won't remember the loneliness of the first.

To the strongest woman I ever knew of, mother of our children, love of my life, I love you for ever and ever and ever.

Thank you for forgiving me, for accepting me and loving me.

Your Amul baby.

I had tears by the time I finished reading this. With shaky hand I took it to my face and kissed the letter.

Putting it aside, I took the second one.

Good morning treasure,

I had to rush for an early morning meeting. Venkat will bring you to the office. We will go out for breakfast once you come. But have something before you start. Don't come on empty stomach.

I rolled my eyes at his over protectiveness. Nonetheless I had fresh juice which Martha forced me to have.

Eager to be with him, I hurriedly got ready and reached office.

I re read the letter multiple times throughout the way. It was the sweetest thing I ever experienced.

He was facing the other way, scribbling something on the white chart that hung on a stand when I opened the cabin door.

He turned just in time to see me, his lips stretching into a smile. I rushed inside, throwing myself on him kissing him.

He held me, balancing us from stumbling due the force I hugged him, kissing me back.

We heard clearing of throats bringing me out of our kiss.

That's when I realised that he was on a video call discussing about the models with a room full of people on the other side, while Varun and Viraj were sitting on the other side of the table diagonal to him.

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