Chapter 63

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The atmosphere soon turned uncontrollably somber at those words, and Cisen covered her mouth with a pale face.

"Yo-Your Majesty."

Her agitation was too great, but it was understandable.

For Cisen, who had only the values ​​of this world, it would be difficult for her to accept a situation where the Empress spoke of the death of the Emperor like this. She hurriedly opened the drawing-room door and glanced into the hallway, just in case anyone might have overheard, before locking the door tightly as she walked back as she also drew back the curtains to look out the window.

On the other hand, Eden crossed his arms with his characteristic calm and dubious face.

"I don't know if he has to die, but he's going to bleed anyway."

I dropped my gaze and glanced at my fingertips. No other interpretation was possible. Even though Raniero was often referred to as Actilla's godson, he was, in fact, considered to be the same as Actilla. Unlike the God Tunia, he was the only way to communicate with the God Actilla, who had no temples or scriptures.

Eden's dry voice pierced my head.

"You don't like it?"

...I'd be lying if I said there wasn't something that bothered me. Even though I may not be smart and I may be emotionally driven, I wasn't stupid.

I wasn't trying to be an idiot.

My voice got a bit hoarse. These questions were insensitive and unfair.

"My life is the most important thing, and I'm not going to let it impair my judgment."

Eden looked very deep into my eyes.

Thinking that I couldn't lose either, I didn't avoid it and faced it. His eyes were bottomless. And I didn't mean profound... but like an abyss, devoid of emotion. Although he was reading me, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

It was rather unfortunate for others to figure me out so easily...

"You love him, don't you?"

Still, the question was within the expected range.

I laughed.

"Is it that easy for you to understand?"

With his brow still wrinkled slightly, he had a slightly corrosive attitude.

"If it's this easy for you to see, how easy will it be for him to see it? How easy will it be for him to read suspicion on my conspiring face?"

I consciously softened my tone a little.

"...The only way to avoid suspicion is to be genuine. I must truly call Actilus home and love him with all my heart. But don't worry, I know my life is more important than that."

At my words, Eden stood there silently, lowering his head while Cisen glanced between him and me at the heightened tension in the air. Eventually, the chilly tension was broken by a long sigh I let out involuntarily.

"I'll see if your love is out of necessity or an excuse for yourself."

Eden's words were always sharp. But this time, I had a bad feeling. Why was he talking like he knew everything?

I moistened my lips with the cold tea.

"Once upon a time... you were a child from a good family, weren't you?"

I asked with almost certainty.

For some reason, that was the atmosphere that emanated from him. It may be a little different from the aristocracy of this world, but his speech and behavior were as dignified as those of well-learned youngsters.

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