Chapter 69

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Since all of us reached a consensus that our presence together as four people would be too conspicuous, we decided to split into two groups. Eden and I would head north first, and then a week later, Cisen and Sylvia would set off to the south.

The sooner we left, the better, so Eden and I accelerated our preparation process, swiftly gathering all the essential supplies we would need for our journey.

We decided to wait for dusk and cross the gate when it was dark since we would be shrouded in the veil of darkness. Even though we had the pass that Eden had stolen, a nagging worry lingered in the back of my mind. What if the guards recognized my face? What if they were alerted to my true identity?

Cisen, who was always meticulous and detail-oriented, packed my things though her heedfulness was even more precise than usual.

Handing the bag to me, she smiled.

"We'll definitely meet at the temple."

I responded with a feeble smile and a nod at her words. Deep down, however, I couldn't shake off the realization that if the operation was successful, it was likely to be goodbye for good.

I was certain Cisen knew that, too. As she opened her arms, extending them towards me, I felt a surge of emotion welling up within me. I embraced her tightly, holding her as if she were a beloved sister. In the end, I couldn't bring myself to say the words that were lingering on the tip of my tongue, 'I'm not Angelica.'

The next moment, Sylvia approached me as I pulled away from Cisen, who reluctantly let me go. Vibrant energy radiated from her as her eyes sparkled with an intensity that I had never witnessed before as if dozens of stars were captured within her gaze.

"I'm sure you'll do well. Do you remember the hunting grounds?"

"I remember."

"I'm sure you'll do just as well as you did back then."

Sylvia whispered hoarsely.

Hunting grounds.

The mention of the hunting grounds brought back a flood of memories. It wasn't entirely my ability that day. Raniero, the enigmatic and influential figure, had played a crucial role behind the scenes. He gave me a drug that enhanced my performance and appeared when I was in dire straits, saving me from peril.

...But, not this time.

Nonetheless, Sylvia seemed to believe more firmly than myself that I would do well. Her unwavering belief might be rooted in wishful thinking rather than faith.

The hunting grounds left a deep scar on Sylvia as well. What had initially been sadness had gradually transformed into resentment towards her mother and brother, and eventually morphed into anger directed at Raniero. It wasn't a pleasant experience to be subjected to a mere pawn in someone else's twisted game of amusement.

...If this went well, would it serve as a means of liberation for Sylvia, finally releasing her from the haunting memories of the hunting grounds?

I consciously averted my gaze from Sylvia.

It wasn't time to worry about others. Eden was waiting.

"Let's go."

I nodded.

Tension clogged my throat and pressed down on my tongue, so we rode atop the horse without speaking a word. Thankfully, Eden had assured me that their trail had been scattered since their safe arrival at Count Tocino's estate, so I was relieved to hear that.

Stepping out through the back door of the village, we headed down a meandering path far from the bustling thoroughfares frequented by people up to the gate.

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