Chapter 67

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Before anyone knew it, it was getting very cold. Common sense would dictate that it was time to stop fighting, but Actilus's army was well-armed.

The ambush on Sombinia was carried out very carefully and stealthily to the extent that a memorial tower could be built with the heads of those who were killed on suspicion of espionage. It was pursued with perfection, and it was a strategy that received Raniero's expectations.

Before the departure of the Actilus's army, there were those who left first.

It was Empress Angelica, her two ladies-in-waiting, and one male porter.

Angelica, who had been feeling unwell recently, was scheduled to recuperate at Count Tocino's estate for several weeks. They all nodded in agreement with her decision to recuperate, having seen with their own eyes that she had recently lost weight and gotten paler.

Some complained that it was different from her image of summer, but such public opinion didn't gain strength.

It was because Raniero Actilus cared for the Empress very much. Even those who secretly complained didn't have the courage to go against the Emperor.

Duchess Nerma also secretly supported her decision.

Countess Tocino had a very close relationship with the Duchess of Nerma. And since she was in the early stages of pregnancy and preoccupied with her belly, they couldn't wish for more if the Countess could cling to Angelica.

Thus, without encountering opposition from anyone, Angelica was able to prepare to leave for the County of Tocino smoothly.

Raniero, who cared for the Empress dearly, even came to see her off.

He seemed to think that even a few days of traveling would be too much for her as he furrowed his brow and gazed down at Angelica.

"Will it be okay?"

Angelica smiled and nodded.

"There are no mountains on this journey."

The last time they went on the demon subjugation, they had to cross a mountain. No matter how small the mountain was, it was exhausting because they had to ride a horse on a rough and narrow path. But this time, this itinerary was planned to be traveling only on smoothly paved roads.


He glanced at the people who would be leaving with Angelica, one by one. Even when he offered to make the trip more comfortable for her with a large entourage, his wife refused, saying that the more people she brought, the more things she had to worry about.

"Only, Sylvia and Cisen... and I'll only take one porter."

After a back-and-forth, it was Raniero who finally gave up his stubbornness, as Angelica was apprehensive that it might be a new nightmare for her if too many people were keen on following after her. He sighed before allowing her to leave with a minimum number of people.

Instead, he decided to attach someone to follow her on her way to Count Tocino's estate.

Angelica noticed Raniero's intentions but decided to settle with not leaving as an official party, at least.

It didn't matter if they wouldn't stick close.

Just before parting, a long kiss was preceded. Raniero stared at his wife, who was leaving. Angelica smiled lightly and never looked back after she had made her vows until her figure became a dot and disappeared over the horizon.

The imperial palace without Angelica...

Like someone who has had a sudden awakening, Raniero hastened to prepare for the conquest of Sombinia. His eyes, which had seemed so docile in front of his wife, began to glow with the blood of Actilla's godson.

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