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Sanem POV

"Can... I love you so much... Don't leave me, please..."

At this point my memories ended, and instead other pictures surfaced... which I didn't even want to think about. "Ah, Sanem, ah... You will always find a couple of troubles on your head."

I didn't even want to think about the fact that something serious happened between me and Mario last night... I convinced myself, forced myself to think that nothing had happened... And then I remembered again, that I was in someone else's house, in someone else's bed and the person sleeping next to me is clearly not Can.

I always knew that Can Divit was my death... Can Divit is the cliff from which I will one day fall into the abyss.

And that day has arrived... Now, I was flying down and praying to quickly fall to the ground and say goodbye to life forever, and therefore to Can. At that very moment, I was not as afraid of death as I was of life... The worst thing for me, was to open my eyes and see Mario next to me... and then to live with it...

Oh, Can... Why did you do this to me?! Why did you return to Polen?! Why?! Why!! You won't even know what happened, and I will have to carry this burden all my life. All my life I will have to share a bed, share myself... my body with a stranger! And it's all your fault! It's only your fault that you drove me crazy! Your eyes, so warm that they could warm better than the spring sun... Your beautiful smile... Your quiet whisper, which made me shiver...

Although, who am I trying to deceive? It's all my own fault, and I have to pay for my mistakes.

"Sanem! Stop crying already! How can you still cry?! I listened to your whining all night and it started again early in the morning!" From another life, from another reality, Marie's angry whisper reached me. She didn't know what happened to me either. "Oh, my dear friend... You don't even suspect how cruelly you treated me... How mercilessly you sacrificed me..."

"Marie?" I flew up on the spot as if scalded. I couldn't believe my eyes, but Marie was lying next to me and she looked very unhappy. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here... what about you?" She didn't even try to be polite, but I didn't care at all right now. A person who, a minute ago, dreamed of death cannot be bothered by such trivialities.

I looked around, it really was Marie's room, I've been here more than once. But how did I end up here?

"What am I doing here? How did I end up in your apartment? How did I get here? When did I come here?" I asked without giving her the opportunity to answer, but it seems that she had no intention of doing so.

My Italian friend looked at me mockingly, and then, having lost all interest in me, she reached for her phone:

"It's time for us to get up. It's better to move out of here before the others wake up, otherwise there will be a scandal."

"Please tell me." I don't know what exactly I did, but apparently something terrible! Ah, Sanem! Ah! I looked at my friend with hope, grabbing her hand, "Please tell me, I just came here from the bar... Right away... Straight to you..."

My life now depended on her answer. Of course, nothing physically threatened my life, but... morally I was practically destroyed. If she says that I came to her from Mario, then it will mean something happened between us after all...

"Relax, friend. Your honor remains intact!" Marie laughed and disappeared out the door, not even suspecting what had just happened.

A sigh of relief escaped from my chest... no, it was more of a cry... I couldn't control myself and started crying, finally throwing off the terrible visions. It didn't matter what I had done, how I ended up here, whether I saw Can in a dream or it was still Mario...

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