Artemis or Albatross?

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This time the lady deigned to sit next to me, although I would have preferred for her to sit in the back or actually take a taxi. She was silent and sulking the whole way and sitting with her face turned to the window. I still didn't understand what she was offended by: either because I kissed her, or because I ended the kiss so unexpectedly. More likely the latter, because she responded to my kiss, reached out to me, and even at some point took the initiative, but I came to my senses. I can't forget like that, I can't relax. I was already holding on with all my strength while being next to her, if I start to give myself free rein, I might actually push her away from me. I understood that she was not ready yet, and I was not ready either. First, I need to talk to her, ask her to forgive me and I also need to forgive myself. Only after this will I be able to get closer to Sanem and everything will be different this time. This time everything will be mature, and everything will be serious.

"Can I ask you a question?" I finally decided to speak, although I did not expect to receive an answer. I knew too well how stubborn Sanem could be in her silence, "What are you offended by?"

As expected, she still silently looked out the window, pretending not to hear me.

"Sanem, I'm talking to you!"


"Have you decided to play the silent game? Do you think you'll last long?"

She just shrugged her shoulders and pointedly turned away from me not just her head, but also her body. For some reason, this childish act amused me. She looked so sweet now, so incredibly touching... just like a little tousled bird.

"Why don't you look at me?" I didn't give up. Trying to provoke her somehow, I reached out my hand and grabbed her flushed cheek with two fingers. She jerked her head, throwing off my hand, but I tried again and this time I felt a subtle movement in my direction. Perhaps I just imagined it, but Sanem rubbed her cheek against my hand.

"Sanem, look at me, don't be stubborn," I asked, choosing the most pleading tone I could muster. She gave in, turned her head and immediately received a kiss from me. Gasping with indignation, she tried to turn away again, but I managed to grab her chin and did not allow her to do so. "Why won't you look at me?"

"What? Should I watch you?" she finally blurted out angrily and stared at me with her eyebrows drawn together.

"Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders, smiled and immediately, instantly, caught a reciprocal smile at the corners of her lips. Ah, Sanem... You are too pure and innocent to play such games with me...

"It's time for me to get back to work," She reminded me, and sighing, took hold of the door handle.

"Wait," I asked, pulling the key out of the ignition. "Can I come with you?"

"For what?" she was sincerely surprised, looking at me with suspicion.

"You will show me your new fragrance... I still haven't seen the presentation..."

She didn't answer, just shrugged and left. I decided that it was an invitation to follow her and, throwing the keys to the guard, I hurriedly walked towards her. We silently went up to the desired floor, went to Sanem's office, and sat down opposite each other. I looked around, glad that we were not sitting in an aquarium and could not be seen through transparent walls. Sanem really liked this office, she looked so businesslike here, so grown up... I admired her without hearing her voice.

"Can Bey," a sharp shout burst into my consciousness, "Coffee?"

"I would like tea," Of course, I finally became impudent, hoping that she would brew me her signature tea. I couldn't miss the opportunity.

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