Heaven for an albatross...

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Sanem POV

"Osman, pleeeease..."

"Sanem! I told you I won't go! And don't bat your eyelashes, you're no longer the little girl who could fool me with that."

I understand that little Sanem is no longer the same... Only, my dear friend, even though I have grown up, I can still persuade you. Look at these sad, tear-filled eyes... What, it doesn't work? What if, like this, I turn away a little and pretend to cry?

"Sanem, stop blackmailing me now!"

For the first time in my life, I heard stern notes in Osman's voice. No, I heard them before, but they were not for me.

"Okay, as you wish!" I realized that the battle was lost, but I didn't think of giving up. I never learned to stop in time. "If you don't want to, don't go! Stay in your shop and butcher calves for the rest of your life!! I'll go alone..."

Seriously offended by him, I went out into the street and headed to the minivan, which had been waiting for me at the door of the butcher shop for twenty minutes. Looking into the cabin and seeing the angry faces of the passengers, I again turned to my "former" friend and "nobly" said, "If you find out that something happened to me, you don't have to blame yourself!"

Ah, Sanem... the big stage is crying for you!

Something changed in Osman's gaze, but he continued to stand motionless in the doorway of the shop:

"Ayhan, don't leave her for even one second!"

"I won't," she puffed, trying to drag me into the car. "If she calms down and goes with us, I won't leave her, brother!"

"Let me go! I'll climb in myself!", that's it, the game is over, the battle is lost... Grumbling that I was surrounded by heartless people, I settled into the car, carefully averting my gaze from the furious faces thirsting for my blood.

Full set: Leyla, Marie, Ayhan and several other colleagues from the office. Everyone abandoned me! "You're not the same anymore, Sanem", "Manage it yourself, Sanem."

What if I don't want to go?! Would they force me?! What if I am being blackmailed?!

"Oh, shut up already! Are you going to blow our minds all the way?" sparks fell from Leyla's eyes, so that I was afraid that my clothes would catch fire, "We found ourselves in this situation because of you, and now you are blaming us?!"

"Because of me??" I almost choked with indignation, "Is it my fault? What did I do? Are you saying that it was me who decided to go to the forest in this weather? Me?? No, little sister! It was not my decision! There is only one forest man who, as soon as something doesn't go the way he wants, immediately runs into the forest! Previously, at least he ran away alone, now he drags everyone with him!"

I was ready to kill Can Divit for doing this to me. Everything should be the way he wants!

He says, "Have dinner with me," and when I refuse, he drops by our house for dinner!

He says, "Let's work together," and after my refusal, he comes at me along with his crazy team!

How??? How can I get rid of him if he's everywhere?! Doesn't let me breathe freely! Keeps creeping up on me all the time! I'm even afraid to open my mouth again so that he doesn't fly in there like an annoying fly! Who called him an albatross? He is not an albatross, but an annoying fly! That's who he is!

"You're not happy! Are you? Poor thing, you suffer so much because he is always there!"

"Please shut up completely! Just shut up! You are a traitor like everyone else! Can Divit drove you all crazy!"

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