10|I'm Sorry

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"Is it too late to say sorry?" -Justin Bieber

Chapter Theme Song : Sorry (Justin Bieber)

Chapter Theme Song : Sorry (Justin Bieber)

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I was raged, no one, especially not my student has had the audacity of talking back at me. With her, it's different - she has wings and with time, those wings would be cut off. As much as she was bold, she could never match me. I see how threatened she got by me, if not mistaken she's terrified of me. No matter how strong she showed.

"You should keep certain things to yourself, so you don't look defenceless"I told her, she didn't bother looking up. She just opened the passenger door and got out of the car, taking the lead into the building.

This should be interesting. It's going to be fun watching the all bravado being small and weak before my eyes. I met her speaking with the front desk assistant, asking for directions. She'd rather ask anyone but me, so I did what I knew, interfered and asked her to follow me. Unwillingly she gave in and strutted behind few steps further away from me.

"You don't always have to act strong" we were in the elevator , heading for my office on the fifth floor.

"I'd rather not have to owe you anything than seek for solice"

I twitched my lower lip in a smirk and responded to my phone. Knowing who it was, I growled at the screen. What does she want? How many times do I have to spell it out so she could understand, I'll never be the vulnerable guy she wants. It's been nearly ten years, when is she going to get over her feelings?

M: I do not understand you. How many times must I tell you, nothing will ever happen between us? I will not say it again, the next time you bombard my phone with texts and calls, I'll BLOCK you. Don't push it.

I'm honestly on the brick of cutting ties with everything that had to do with Marisa. Family and business or not - she will never give up, which was honestly tiring. She doesn't expect me to have something with her, after that illicit affair with my friend. She has no self respect, always ready to go down with anyone who showed interest in her. That was none of my business, except she keeps pushing my buttons.

I turned to see her sitting on the couch with a bunch of books laying on her laps, engrossed in what she read. I won't lie she's beautiful, heavily endowed - one might think she's matured. She doesn't behave like most teenagers, which was one thing a lot of older guys looked for in women. Not me, I wouldn't be found frolicking with just any female - talk more my student.

"Have you seen any thing that intrigues you?"walking around the desk then sitting behind the office table.

"Everything's quiet interesting so far. Can I take these two with me? I'd make sure it's returned in perfect condition" you could hardly tell how thrilled seeing how her face shone at me.

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