20|Dawn's Secret : Silent Glances & Untold Vows

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"Tell me that you're coming home again to me" - Tatiana Manaois ( Made for two )

Chapter Theme Song : Made for two ( Tatiana Manaois )

Chapter Theme Song : Made for two ( Tatiana Manaois )

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Inhale. Exhale. Breath.

You can do this, Hailey.

Just for tonight. You can do it, Hailey!

Reclaiming my spot back at the table, the clinking of fine china and the soft murmur of conversations at the table should've been calming, yet my heart raced with a mix of dread and excitement. Recovering from the aftermath situation in the hallway seemed a little too difficult.

Especially, seeing him across the table, he was a vision that seemed out of place amidst the opulence. Our eyes met, a silent challenge, a secret dance between forbidden steps.

This evening was a delicate masquerade, my every stolen glance a brush stroke on a canvas of unsaid promise and restrained desire. And as the night waned, I knew that the dawn of day would bring a new phase, one where I wasn't sure where the lines between propriety and passion might just blur.

Back at home, in the sanctuary of my room, the echoes of the restaurants grandeur felt like a distant dream. The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a silver glow on the walls that held my secrets. I replayed the evening in my mind, each moment with him etched deeper into my memory.

"Why did he have to be there?" I whispered to the silence, my voice barely a tremor in the cool night air. The image of his smile, both knowing and inscrutable, sent a shiver down my spine.

I could feel the heat of his gaze, the way it seemed to pierce through the crowd and find me, as if I was the only person in the world. I clutched the locket at my neck, a nervous habit when my mind raced with thoughts I dared not voiced.

When realization dawned on me, looking at the clock beside my bed, knowing I'd his class for last period tomorrow, the weight of what ifs lingered in the air. Alone with my thoughts, I curled up under the covers, the turmoil of my heart a stark contrast to the peaceful night. I would face him tomorrow, but tonight, it was just me and the moon, and the remnants of a dinner that changed everything.


The morning light nudged me awake, a gentle reminder that the world didn't pause for my conflicted heart. I slipped into my uniform, the fabric a crisp contrast to the disarray of my emotions. School awaited, a stage for the usual drama and daily routines.

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