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Aiden just woke up cause of the loudspeakers, he was excited for his second day at camp and couldn't wait to see James again.  He wanted to hug him and wasn't used to spending the night without his boyfriend, especially if there's a storm.

He got up and woke up Lake who was still sleeping peacefully and suggested that they go for a walk and go find something to eat.

Lake 《do you want to see James again am I right?》
Aiden 《No! its not true!  Im not obsessed with him, I can stay without him》
Lake 《it's already a lot if you survived these 2 nights》
Aiden 《I'm just curious who they eliminated last night》

Lake laughed then they left the tent and headed towards the woods hoping to find James somewhere.

They walked for some time but didn't see him anywhere.  Aiden began to worry while Lake tried to reassure him by telling him that there was no way he would have been kicked out in the first episode.  Aiden thought the same thing
It's obvious that he hasn't been thrown out, surely he will be with his team chatting.  we will see him in the Challenges

They arrived at the place where they would do the challenge, Aiden was sure he would see James and immediately looked for him but couldn't find him there either.  Anxiety was starting to rise, Aiden looked in the direction of the pink team, everyone was there, except James

James, the winner of the second season, and his boyfriend, could not have been kicked out.  The others couldn't have been such assholes.  How can you separate a couple from the first day?!

Lake had noticed Aiden's mood and put a hand on his shoulder trying to reassure him.

Lake 《did you guys really vote for James last night?》
Ally 《Hunter and I didn't vote for him, but we're very sorry》
Ashley 《sorry guys》

Aiden couldn't believe all this, what would he do without James?  He didn't want to be in the camp without him

Lake 《is a bad situation,  but we must continue our adventure without him.  We go far for James》
Aiden 《You're right》

With discouragement and insecurity they tried to win that day's challenge.  They came second but Aiden didn't feel like a winner, he didn't feel better even though his team was saved from the vote

By late afternoon, everyone was outside chatting with each other while Aiden had taken refuge in the tent thinking until Tom arrived.

Tom 《hey buddy》

Aiden looked at him for half a second and then turned away, he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.  But so as not to seem rude he gave him one more look

Aiden 《hey》
Tom 《you really feel bad for James, right?》

Aiden's eyes spoke for him

Tom 《I know it's hard and I can understand you, but think about the fact that he definitely wouldn't want you to be sad.  He would like you to go far for him》
Aiden 《Lake told me something like that 》
Tom 《then don't worry!  You'll see him again after the final.  As long as you get there hahahha》
Aiden 《hahha you think i cant get there?》
Tom 《Definitely not with this attitude》
Aiden 《maybe youre right》
Tom 《Of course Im right》
Aiden 《so what can I do?》
Tom 《to cheer you up we could go for a walk in the woods and look for some branches for the fire》
Aiden 《good idea》

The two boys were walking around the woods and Tom was trying to make Aiden laugh and he played along.  They then talk badly about Krystal, make jokes and started laughing out loud.

They didn't realize Jake was nearby, he was picking some berries when he heard Tom and Aiden laughing.  He snuck up on them, spying on them from behind a tree.  He saw them laughing together and Tom looked at Aiden with a strangely sweet look.  Jake got annoyed and went to them

Jake 《are you two having fun?》

Aiden and Tom looked at each other confused, they hadn't noticed Jake walking towards them.

Tom 《oh hi》
Jake 《What were you talking about that was so funny?》
Aiden 《nothing important, they were talking about someone》
Jake 《I didn't think it was so funny to laugh at someone's expense》
Tom 《nah it was just something to make Aiden feel better》
Aiden 《and he's succeeding!  Tom is really funny!  I didn't think he had such a great sense of humor》
Tom 《flattered》
Jake 《Oh yes I remember.  He was so funny even when he was with me!  Don't think you're so special》
Aiden 《but I'm not thinking that 》

Tom rolled his eyes and sighed

Tom 《listen, I know you're upset but please don't be so suffocating.  Anyway, now we have to go back to the tent》

Tom turned and left, Aiden followed him bewildered and they left Jake alone, which made his mood significantly worse than it was before.  Now not only did he hate the fact that Tom and Aiden were friends, he hated Aiden for turning Tom like that.

𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 // ☆𝔻ℂ 𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊★ Where stories live. Discover now