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The blue team won the challenge, they had come in first place and once again they were safe from the vote.  In addition to immunity, they earned an evening in a luxury outdoor jacuzzi

It was still afternoon and the guys were cheering their victory.  Aiden had changed his mood and was proud of what he had done to make the team win

He, Lake and Gabby were talking when Tom came from behind them and put his hands on Aiden's shoulders making everyone scared

Lake 《god, Tom, it's you, you gave us a shock》
Tom 《hahahha that was my intent》
Aiden 《hahha anyway I didn't think you were so competitive, it's also thanks to your ambition that we won》
Tom 《what about you, you were amazing!  I loved your grit despite what happened this morning.  You're great Aiden》

Tom put a hand on Aiden's head, ruffling his hair, then walked away smiling.  Aiden and Lake looked at each other, she was amazed at Tom's behavior, she would never have expected it

Lake 《um what did I miss? Since when are you and Tom that good of friends?》
Aiden《I have no idea, it's weird.  Tom is a good friend but maybe he's getting a little too confident with me.》
Gabby 《maybe he just likes you and he would like to have a good friendship with you》
Lake 《gabby is right.  There's nothing wrong with that.》
Aiden 《yeah》
Lake 《just don't make James think he's hitting on you》

Aiden gave a small laugh and looked at Lake tenderly

Aiden 《 naaah James isn't that overprotective》
Lake 《but it would be sooooo sweet》

Gabby turned and saw that everyone else on the team was heading towards the Jacuzzi and started following them too.

Gabby 《aiden, lake, are you coming for a hot bath?》
Lake 《here we come》

The boys changed and all entered the hot water pool.  Aiden finally began to relax, the warm water on his body made him feel cradled and protected, the only thing he missed was having James close to him who cuddled him and gave him sweet kisses on his forehead.
Tom saw Aiden who was immersed in his thoughts or simply too relaxed to think and decided to approach him but without disturbing him.  He put his harm around his neck and rested his head on aiden's.  It bothered Aiden a little, usually James was the only one who did these things with him.  he wanted to break Tom's hug but he was too relaxed to move and also needed to warm up on that cold evening.

Then the thought flashed through his mind that James might see that scene on TV, and it made him feel dishonest.  Both he and James knew very well that he would never, ever replace him with anyone else, so he didn't want Tom to get too confidence  either.

He moved away from his teammate's grip and stood close to Ellie, at least he knew that he would never get too close to her so he was calm

Jake, on the other hand, once again hid to see what Tom was doing, since he was no longer sure of anything.  When he saw him and Aiden hugging, he felt terrible and was starting to think that eliminating James wasn't a good move.  Then he saw that Aiden had moved away from his embrace and this made Jake think that he didn't want Tom to be close to him. But that didn't change Jake's feelings about him.

Ellie 《Oh hi Jake, what are you doing here》

  Jake realized that they had noticed him and now he could no longer pretend nothing had happened

Jake 《No big deal, I'm passing through》

Tom was looking at him annoyed as if you already knew his intentions and Jake, having nothing else to do, walked away embarrassed

A few half an hour later when Jake is still wandering around the woods Tom reached him and took him by the shoulder making him turn forcibly

Tom 《what the fuck is your problem?!》
Jake 《what are you talking about?》
Tom 《don't pretend nothing happened!  why do you keep spying on us?》
Jake《I'm not spying on you》
Tom 《Yes you are, You can see a mile away, you're always watching what we're doing》
Jake《Don't talk nonsense》
Tom《I see you have a problem with me and Aiden.  Does it bother you that we're together?
Jake 《No way!  you can do whatever you want.  I do not care"
Tom 《then stop stalking us and get a life》

Jake took a few seconds of silence

Jake 《but still, why are you always so close?  What is Do you like him?》
Tom 《you're degenerating.  He is engaged》
Jake 《he is a dishonest boyfriend》
Tom 《what do you mean?》
Jake《is cuddling with you behind his boyfriend's back and that's gross》
Tom 《what??  he's not doing anything behind anyone's back》
Jake 《so why do you continue to have all this confidence》

there were other moments of silence

Tom《Look, I don't have time to waste with your nonsense, please leave us alone》

Tom left once again leaving Jake alone and this time he felt like me and even more disgusting

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