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Aiden and James were finally spending time together, in the woods, where no one could disturb them, they were kissing and cuddling each other.

Aiden 《your lips taste so good》
James 《I know baby》
Aiden 《I missed your attentions》
James 《I missed your beautiful sweet face》

Aiden smiled and James kissed his forehead

James 《I couldn't see you with that idiot anymore》
Auden 《Tom and I are just friends》
James 《maybe he was hitting on you, you thought the same too》
Aiden 《yes, but maybe I was wrong.  I don't know, I'm just confused.  I've never had friends like that, all my life I've dated girls, Trans people, the kind of people that are in art school.  So i dont know that type of people, I didn't know what he was trying to do》
James 《has nothing to do with it, he was picking you up》
Aiden 《don't exaggerate》
James 《mmh》
Aiden 《he's a good guy, I don't think he would do that》
James 《do you want to... stay friends with him?》
Aiden 《yes》

James was a little frustrated with Aiden and Tom's friendship.  He didn't trust that boy and would have preferred that Aiden doesnt frequent him but he didn't want to impose limits on him.  Aiden had to decide for himself who to frequent.

Aiden 《don't make that face, you always come first》
James 《of course》
Aiden 《You're the only one for me, I love you》
James 《I love you too》

James and Aiden looked at each other and smiled sweetly, then kissed again.  Aiden straddled James and moved his hips slightly, rubbing his groin against his boyfriend's.  Then he broke the kiss and looked at James with a sensual look biting his lower lip.  James was starting to feel honry and put his hands on Aiden's hips and caressed him.  They closed their eyes and began tongue kissing

Ellie 《don't fuck on television please》

The boys turned quickly to Ellie.  Aiden looked at her as if she had caught them doing something illegal and James looked at her with boredom, he wanted to continue his private moment with his boyfriend.  Ellie was too many

James 《instead of standing here and watching, go and come up with other plans to ruin people's reputations》

Ellie rolled her eyes and walked away.  She didn't want to tell him to stop, she knew full well that she would do the same to Gabby.  James and Aiden's love bothered her

Aiden was near the fire, he was very cold that evening.  In free moments each member of each team was free to go wherever they wanted and Alec found himself in front of Aiden.

Alec 《hey》
Aiden 《hi alec》
Alec 《can I sit next to you?》
Aiden 《sure, go ahead》
Alec 《thank you》

Alec sat down next to Aiden, picked up his book, and then started reading.  a few minutes of silence pass, Aiden didn't want to disturb Alec but he wanted to have a conversation

Aiden 《what are you reading?》
Alec 《Not a big deal.  It's a book about how to survive in nature》
Aiden 《cool, do you think this will help?》
Alec 《I'm not too sure about some things but I think it can be quite helpful》

Alec looked down and went back to focusing on his book but Aiden also had an urge to talk

Aiden 《So, can I know why you kicked James out?》
Alec 《we all agreed to vote for Fiore But in the end there was a mix-up between Jake and James and in the end most of us voted for your boyfriend 》
Aiden 《A mix-up about what?》
Alec 《I pointed out to Jake that you and Tom were becoming very good friends, Jake got jealous and told James about it who didn't want to believe it》
Alec 《to get James out of the way.  His immisured ego is useless.》
Alec 《calm down teddy, that's not the only reason I wanted him out of my way》

Alec put his arm around Aiden's neck and pulled him close, smiling slyly.  Aiden didn't waste a moment in freeing himself from him

James 《Get your hands off him, you bastard. right now.》

James appeared from the darkness and approached them slowly.  He had remained hidden until then to hear Alec's intentions

Alec 《WOAH James, where are you from?》
James 《Shut up, and get away from him》
Alec 《Do you think im hitting on Aiden》
James 《I wouldn't be surprised after what I heard》
Alec 《you cant spy on people that way》
James 《you're not the one who telling me how to do it》

Alec took a moment of silence

Alec《how long have you been here?》
James 《shut up.  I'm the one asking the questions here.  why the fuck did you make this up?!  you just messed everything up》
Alec 《it's called strategy》
James 《 As you can see it didn't work.  You can't think of throwing out one of the most important people in this series and pretend nothing happened.  After you voted for me, the ratings dropped and so they let me back in》
Alec 《here's the ego I was talking about》

Alec turned to Aiden, pointing out how superior James felt

James 《Look, I have no problem breaking your nose too》
Alec 《 Don't worry, I'm leaving.  I have no intention of being in your company》
James 《finally》

Alec went his way while James walked over to Aiden and wrapped his arms around him fully.  Then she gave him a kiss on the forehead and rubbed against him

Aiden 《you're too jealous》
James 《It's not my fault that peo.ple here are such assholes》
Aiden 《you're right》
James 《do you want to go to the top and sleep under the stars?  》
Aiden 《always》

𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 // ☆𝔻ℂ 𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊★ Where stories live. Discover now