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The next day Aiden and Tom didn't even talk to each other, they were still too embarrassed from that night.  Meanwhile Krystal had called all the teams over the loudspeakers saying that she had a very important announcement to make and that everyone must be at the center of the island in 10 minutes.  after about 20 minutes all the teams met at the meeting point where Krystal was waiting for them with an impatient look

Krystal 《Did I say you could take all the time you wanted to come here?!》
- 《was it written in the contract that we had to respect your schedule?》

All the boys were surprised to see who was speaking.  Many of them were confused and did not understand who the voice was coming until they all saw James walking towards them calmly and with full self-esteem.

Krystal 《you're already making me regret this choice》
James 《I know, I always do this effect》
Aiden 《JAMES》

As soon as Aiden saw him he ran towards him and jumped into his arms with so much force that they both fell and remained hugging each other on the ground

Aiden 《I missed you so much these 2 days》

James was heartened to see Aiden so happy to see him again, even though it had only been two days

James 《aww baby I missed you sooooo much too! think that the other day I-》
Aiden 《shut up and kiss me》

Aiden and James kissed passionately while still sitting on the floor and under the eyes of all the guys who were there

Krystal 《good, Now, if you've finished your romantic scene, I should tell you the news》
Hunter 《what news?  that James returned?  we already understood it》
Krystal 《tsk, you stupid teenagers!  they always ruin moments of suspense》
Tom 《wow welcome back James!  I'm happy that you two-》
James 《yes, I don't need YOU to say welcome to me》

James looked at Tom threateningly, he had seen everything on TV and now he was more than furious with that half-cop.  He wanted to smash his face in and he would have done it if they weren't in a TV series where everything is broadcast.  But still, even that wouldn't stop him from beating him

Tom 《woah calm down man》
James 《no I'm not calming down!》

James broke away from Aiden's hug and walked towards Tom in a threatening manner

James 《Jesus, I cant think that this idiot of Jake was right》
Tom 《I don't know what you're talking about  but Jake is never right》
Jake 《I told you from the beginning!》
Tom 《tsk shut up》
James 《he was half right, I was sure Aiden would never do these things.  The problem was YOU, you filthy asshole》
Krystal 《HEY WE'RE ON TV》
James 《shut up》
Aiden 《James, honey, I understand you're annoyed but there's no need to-》
James 《my love, I'm happy that you chased this bastard away as much as he hugged you at night, BUT I WOULD HAVE GIVEN HIM A FUCKING KICK IN THE ASS WITH SUCH DISGUST》

James said yelling at Tom

Tom 《listen, do we want to talk over a cup of tea?》
James 《better talk about it in the hospital after I break your nose!  》
Tom 《I remind you that I am a policeman》
James 《and what would you like to do?  Send me to the judge because I take my boyfriend away from an idiot like you?》

Aiden grabbed James' arm from behind trying to keep him from punching Tom

Aiden 《James calm down! Nothing too serious happened.》
Tom 《listen to your boyfriend, since it's the only thing you know how to do》

At the end James punched him in the face with his other arm

An "oooh" of astonishment went up among all the other guys as Tom lay on the ground bleeding

James 《sorry, but he really asked for it》
Aiden 《oh god but is he alive??》
James 《he will be fine.  Anyway, I'm hungry, let's go find something to eat》
Aiden 《emm ok》

Aiden said still shocked about what happened.  The two left, leaving all the boys near Tom to see if he was okay and shortly afterwards the ambulance arrived.

𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 // ☆𝔻ℂ 𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊★ Where stories live. Discover now