ONE- Luke Hemmings

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A/N- Hey guys this is one/four of my new stories, so I put the stories I don't have many views on hold. If one of the stories you like are on hold, I'm sorry but until I finish My Guardian Angel and make sure these four stories are gonna be well liked I'm not gonna take them off of on hold. Sorry again, but I still love all my kangaroos and turtles!! (Sorry I really like turtles and Kangaroos.) I hope you like the story so far. It well get better, sadder, and happier.



Luke leans down to me and kisses me, his lips linger on mine sucking on my bottom lip. My eyes stay closed as he pulls away and lays his head on my shoulder. He closes his eyes in hope to get some sleep tonight.

"Daddy?" We both turn towards the door, Willow stands in the doorway with Blueberry in her hand.

"Hey baby, come here!" Luke sits up and opens his arms for her. She runs into his arms and he lifts her into the bed. "There we go, now the whole family is here."

"Hi mummy." She smiles up at me then cuddles to her daddy.

"Hi baby." I kiss her head and smile at Luke. "I knew she would be in here."

"I did too." He hugs her close, then take my hand in his. His eyes show that his happy, and I smile big before moving closer. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say closing my eyes when he kisses my head.

He snuggles Willow closer holding my hand tighter. "And my Willow Tree."

I wake up with tears running down my cheeks and get up. I've had that dream more than I can count, and everytime I still cry. I told Ashton about it the first time I had it and he said I should tell Luke about Willow.

Going down stairs I find Ash face down on the couch asleep. Smiling I kneel in front of him, he fell asleep watching the news I left on. I kiss his cheek and he lifts his arm for me to cuddle with him. Once I'm beside him he cuddles to me sighing.

"Morning love." He mumbles into my hair pulling me into his chest. "You have the Willow tree dream again?"

"Yeah." I hug him close and hear a 5sos song start playing.

"5 Seconds of Summer has now officially landed and settled into Riverstone. They announced to us earlier today that since they will no longer be known as 5sos they will do a signing in the Riverstone Mall across from the Starbucks at two thirty today."

I tense up and I guess that Ash felt it because he looks at me. I work today, at that Starbucks in that mall. Luke is going to be there and yet I have to be there as well. He could see me, he could recognize me.

"You'll be okay Maia, just wear one of your beanies and some sunglasses saying that you hit your head. Say the sun causes a bad headache." Ash suggests.

"That's actually not a bad idea." I smile and look at him. He smiles before closing his eyes and pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back slowly, my brain going fuzzy. His hand slides up my side and into my hair.

He pulls away sighing. "Sorry."

"It's okay, I told you I don't care." I tell him before getting up. "I need to get ready."

"Awe no more cuddles." He pouts his lip but smiles after I laugh. "Have fun."

"I will." I quickly go up stairs and get my work clothes out, then get a beanie and some sunglasses.

I really hope this works.


"Here's your drink, and two dollars and 45 cents change." I hand the lady her money and drink after smiling. "Have a nice day."

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