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Don't get it twisted

I am what the moments called for

You blame it all on me
Whatever honey, do what you gotta do to make yourself feel better

I know who will win at the end

I'm just playing the nice card
Cause I know how to play the game
You didn't read the rules
The fine print
And you still wrote your name on the contract
Amateur hour

I would called you what you need to be
But I'll play sweet
You witch

See told you I'm not all sugar and spice and everything nice

I got a bit of a mean streak
Or did you already forget?

Course you did
Can't blame you
You don't know to how even read
Looks like someone should've paid attention in school

I play the rules
They spell it out for ya
But you think you can cheat

With him
It's fine

I don't really care
Not anymore
Just wait and see

They will crawl back

I know who I was from the start
A star
A princess
Una Reina
But I'll play the fool

Can't be slipping

I'm focus
On what really matters
You let yourself get fooled

Don't you know that how's you lose
Gosh I such a sweetheart
I'm telling you it all
Even too you
Fair is fair

And you're still stupid
I don't care.
Call me what you want
I'm winning

Karma is what you make of her

I'm bored of this already
She think she gonna win with him

My teammates are all rooting for me
We're all too strong women for you
Can't beat us
She's on my side
She told me herself

I only surround myself with winners
I play their rules

Oh her, she plays with those who get paid well, no wonder you got no money left

You didn't invest well
You think he's gonna teach you
Girl it's always on you who to raise the bar

But I'll keep the tab open for you
You're gonna need it
Drink the tequila

See told you
He still wonders about me
On what could have been

She is too childish
And I've mature

I got new moves
I play the chips with expertise

And I a k.

Moments between life and death Where stories live. Discover now