chapter 4: my girlfriend's fan

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"I know you desire it as much as I do, if not more... A family... Something neither of us could have. So tell me, Naruto, do you accept? To start a family with me. You're the only person I could ask this of, the only one who understands me in a way no one else ever did."

He could still remember those words perfectly. He could still recall the desperate tone in which she said them, even when no one else would have noticed. She was very good at pretending and lying, so much so that sometimes he couldn't even distinguish her lies from the truth.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. This would be the first time in almost 5 months that I would see Ai in person. He didn't realize how important the woman had become in his life, not until he started to miss her presence in the café.

The cold of the night was tickling his nose along with the gentle breeze that tousled his unruly hair everywhere. The soft sound of the departing train gave way to the singing of birds and the chirping of crickets.

The town of Miyasaki-ken was very natural, to say the least. The vegetation of the place was something to admire; in Tokyo, you could never see a forest and fauna as large and extensive as in this town. His small rooftop garden didn't compare in the slightest to the natural beauty of the forest. He had forgotten what one looked like; it had been more than 5 years since he had seen one.

If they had told him he would be a father at 16, he would have called them crazy. But now that it was about to happen, he couldn't believe it. This was unnatural for him in many ways; he could barely take care of himself, let alone imagine caring for a baby.

Anyway, he wasn't here to think about that, not when he was already in the home stretch. In a few weeks, Ai would give birth, and he wouldn't back down when that happened.

He sighed. He just hoped Sasuke, Jiraiya, and Sakura could handle the restaurant without him, although he doubted Jiraiya would help with anything other than finances. He just hoped Sasuke wouldn't forget to feed Kurama.

"Now, where's that hospital?" Naruto began to walk out of the train station, with a small suitcase behind him.

He planned to be by Ai's side as much as possible, even if it meant facing Ichigo.

The moonlight shone brightly; it was beautiful to see and yet relaxing.

Right now, he would be watching a video of his favorite idol, Ai. But right now, he was very pensive.

It was only yesterday that her manager, Ichigo, left her here. But now the man had to return to Japan to continue with his normal work, leaving Ai alone. Although she didn't seem sad about it, she seemed more happy about the idea when Ichigo mentioned it to her.

He couldn't help but worry about the girl when he heard she would be alone in this town, even if Ichigo said he would visit her as often as he could.

Sixteen years and seven months pregnant, and to add insult to injury. Teenage pregnancies weren't surprising to him, although they were very rare in all his years working at this hospital. What was really surprising was knowing who the person was, and it was none other than Ai, the idol.

The weeks they spent together were enough to know what she was really like, away from the cameras. It was something that not even Ai's entire legion of fans could achieve, but there was still something that kept digging deep into his mind. Who was the father? It was a question he had from the first day he saw Ai in the hospital. He tried to ignore it, but that question only grew stronger as time went on.

He made a promise, to bring Ai Hoshino's children into the world healthy and safe. And you heard right, children. She would have twins, to be more precise, a boy and a girl. The news didn't seem to affect her, although with her, you could never be a hundred percent sure.

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