chapter 6: midnight craving

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Sasuke Uchiha was not a womanizer, or at least he wanted to think that. Lately he was waking up in different apartments, with different girls lying next to him, he came back so often that he started to believe that he was a womanizer himself.

"But damn!" He couldn't help it, he was already turning 16, he had some needs that no matter how much he wanted he couldn't avoid them, it doesn't help that girls find him physically attractive, both him and his co-worker.

He wondered how Naruto managed to not fall into such youthful impulses and be able to continue with his life as if nothing had happened.

" Fuck!" He saw how that blonde idiot didn't understand the most obvious of hints, so much so that he and Sakura started joking about it and as always Naruto didn't understand anything at all.

Talking about things that happened lately. Sakura was a new addition to the small cafe, an addition they didn't know they needed.

Sakura has only been working as a waitress/helper for a month, but she proved to be very efficient with the tasks, so much so that they had increased her salary considerably in the short time she was here.

Naruto and hers weren't looking for staff so it was quite a surprise to her when Tsunade and Jiraiya brought her here and introduced her as her new coworker. Jiraiya only thought about how a pretty girl like her would bring more customers to the cafe. While Tsunade only looked happy to be able to help one of his students.

Tsunade was a former doctor who works as a teacher at a small high school not far from here, if she remembers correctly the high school called Konoha.

From what she could tell about the girl, she was saving to go to medical school, which is why Tsunade brought her here. Sakura was first in her class and in Tsunade's words "she had a bright future ahead of her."

He himself was curious about high school, he himself will never have the opportunity to enter one, he had not been able to finish primary school so he had no chance of entering one at the moment. Although that didn't stop Jiraiya from teaching him and Naruto business administration and management, and something else. Although that didn't mean that the guy was a complete pervert, he had his Icha Icha series of books, books that were very, very coveted by the public. Demons! They are even going to make a damn movie of one of his most popular books, "Icha Icha Behind the Curtain", he read the work and couldn't get past the first chapter without feeling bored, he wondered how Naruto could bear to read this from beginning to end, when he was Jiraiya's assistant.

He pushed the girl against the wall of his room. He gave her a deep kiss that was only filled with lust without any hint of love, just pure carnal desire and nothing more.

They broke apart to get some air, heavy breathing and gasps filling the room.

"Sasuke-kun, and-me".

The boy didn't have time to speak when he kissed her again with pure desire.

"Shit, no!"He didn't need to know her more deeply. The last thing he wanted was to feel guilty for doing this to her. He will feel extremely guilty if he gets to know her as a real person, outside of her bedroom.

There is a very thin difference between love and desire, and he didn't want to cross that line.

He himself knew why he was rambling on so much on random topics. He didn't want to think about what he was doing and who he was doing it with. Guilt was something he always felt, and he learned to deal with it by simply ignoring the guilt until it was gone, maybe it wasn't the healthiest way to deal with his problems but it did him some good.

As the darkness of the night filled the room, and the sound of light moans filled the silence. Sasuke Uchiha dove deeper into lust, leaving behind any morality he had.

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