chapter 5:don't fuck around Ichigo

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The glow sticks were shaken with excitement and vigor. Fans cheered with happiness and excitement for the girls dancing on stage. It was all noise and emotion, everyone with smiles on their faces for the concert.

Amidst all the commotion, there was a boy with blond hair who looked at everything with boredom. He simply leaned on the railing in front of the stage, with no real interest in the concert. His gaze was focused on one person, Ai Hoshino. The girl who was not only in the center of the stage but also in the center of his attention.

The hoodie he wore helped people not to recognize him. Although he doubted that would happen, everyone seemed like shitty idiots who were only interested in young girls.

All the girls bowed slightly before bidding farewell to the entire audience, an unmistakable sign of the end of the concert.

All the fans dispersed gradually, some had special tickets for the handshake events that would take place right now. He had one too, but to be honest, he didn't feel like going right now, although on the other hand, it would be a waste of money. This ticket wasn't cheap at all.

He slowly left the concert, the handshake event would be at the north gate, so he would have to walk a bit to the entrance.

He wasn't in a hurry to get there, it didn't matter enough to him to run. Although that didn't seem to be the case for the rest of the people who were much further ahead than him, with agitated breaths, it seemed they had run to be the first in line.

He had to interrupt his pace when he was bumped by a man in a black hoodie. His unwashed black hair from a few days ago, along with the stinky smell emanating from him, fell into the typical cliché of an idol Otaku.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" Hikaru couldn't help but shout when he was knocked down, sometimes he hated being a bit shorter than average.

The guy didn't stop at all, he wondered if he at least heard him. A real idiot if you asked him.

He dusted off his clothes before continuing on his way. He put a happy smile on his face, something he hadn't done since his days at the Lala Lai theater. That idiot wouldn't ruin this day.

He felt happier and freer these days, it was like going back to when he was 11. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy. Usually, he always smiled, even when that bitch touched him... But today these smiles weren't lies, it was an incredible feeling.

He looked at all the fans trying to pass through security. They looked like dogs chasing a ball. Everything in the entertainment world is fake, especially the idols they admired so much. They're trying to chase a ball that was never thrown, yet like a dog, they keep looking for something that never existed in the first place. If any of them were to find the ball, they would be horrified by what they would see in it. It's so funny and dark at the same time, it's laughable.

Hikaru took a pendant out of his pocket to show to the imposing guard standing in front of him. The guard nodded slightly before letting him pass into the small stadium.

The first thing he saw when he entered was the same guy who pushed him a few moments before. If Hikaru didn't know better, he'd say he looked like a killer, with that hoodie and lack of hygiene, he looked like some kind of psychopath.

The black-haired boy was muttering something to himself. He held a small piece of paper with something written on it, although from the distance, he couldn't make out what it was. He didn't take long to disappear into the crowd.

He looked at the whole crowd, which wasn't small at all.

"The handshake event with the idols is about to begin. The security staff will direct you to the event hall."

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