Chapter Three

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The school ride back home was awkward as well. The three of them would usually be talking about their day or what they wanted to eat for dinner. But the only thing you could hear was the music coming from the radio. 

The ride home was short, they lived close to the school, like most of the students did. They attend a private high-class high school. Which was the same situation for their elementary/middle school. So most of the students went to the same school for their whole life. 

The houses near the school were all two stories, big backyard- maybe a pool, and were just expensive and beautiful. Everyone who attended their school had very wealthy parents or got transferred there because of their education level. 

Yoongi parked the car in the driveway and turned back to look at Jungkook. "Get off," he says in his monotone voice. Jungkook nods his head and looks at his sister. 

Gyeong watched Jungkook enter the house and felt a bit uneasy which made her more uneasy. She has never felt uncomfortable near yoongi. But now that she was concerning her. Will this end their six-year friendship? 

"Let's go for a drive," he says casually and all Gyu can do is nod. She looks out the window and sees more of the high school students arriving home. She wonders if any of them are going through what she's going through. 

What exactly is she going through? A rough patch in a friendship? The end of her friendship? A new relationship? IS HE GONNA ASK HER OUT???? 

Gyeong has never seen Yoongi like that EVER!! They both kind of made a pact never to date each other due to the fact it could ruin their friendship and they both knew that meant more than anything to the both of them. So why would he break that? Why did he even think of her like that- 

" ok?" he asks getting real close to her face. She came back to reality and saw that they were parked in the random parking lot. Well not random, they parked in the lonely McDonald's parking lot. They usually come here when they want to escape the real world. It's their spot. No one at school usually comes here because let's be honest. Rich kids eat better than McDonald's. 

"Yoongs, are you okay?" she asks grabbing his face. He sighs and goes back into his seat. "Look...when we went to different schools...I had a reputation." He looks out his window trying not to make eye contact. For some reason this was very hard- well he's been lying to his number one person for two years. 

"Look I'm not sure why I didn't want to tell you. I guess I didn't want you to think differently about me- I know you never will but...and also I know I should have told you this before school started but I honestly forgot. I never meant to hurt you Gyu." He says the last part holding both of her hands as he looks at her. 

Her cheeks go red. Badum

"Look....some people at school think I'm this big player. Especially after I dated this girl and she is pretty popular." He says looking away- too afraid to look at Gyeong. 

It was quiet for a while.





"It was only for a couple of months..."

"How many months?"






Yoongi closed his eyes like that was gonna save his ears from her screaming. 

"Who is this girl?"

"Her name is Jisoo. She's in her last year. And look she still has a big thing for me and ruins girls' lives who try to get with that's why I didn't want you around me. She will be spreading a bunch of rumors and I want to protect you at all costs Gyu. She also spread lies about me messing with girls and like breaking their hearts or something stupid like that. " He says looking at her. 

She looks away and sighs. 

"Yoongi...I know you want to protect me but please.....I can handle my battles." She makes a disgusted face at how cringe she sounds like. 

"But please don't hide stuff from me again. Look that girl can spread rumors about me if she wanted to...I don't care. No one would care. I'm a nobody at school." Gyu says and yoongi makes an awkward smile. 

"Now that we have resolved this issue. I feel more comfortable being around you at school. So if you ever want to sit with me and my friends during lunch, I wouldn't mind. Unless my friends start seeming interested in you. No boyfriends." He says and pats her back as she rolls her eyes at his comment. 

"Yeah yeah whatevs." 

The drive back home was relaxing. She can't believe this all happened because Yoongi felt like she would see him differently. She would never, he's her number one person. Her life. 

When they got home Jungkook was already cooking dinner. Which was Gyeong's favorite, spaghetti. Something their dad would make for them when they were younger. 

Jungkook looked at the pair and noticed that they were holding hands. Something they did without realizing it. Ah! they made up. Good. Good 

"Just in time. Food ready!" Jungkook says serving them their fair share of spaghetti. "Eat up you two...after that weird phase for two days, you guys deserve some good food. Glad you guys made up." He says serving himself. 

"Jungkook you acting like it was a war zone or something. It was not that bad." Gyu says rolling her eyes. "Yeah well, you don't know how suffocating and awkward it is when your sister and her bff are fighting for a reason you don't even know." He explains. 

"Well we made up and that is that and let's hope that there are no more secrets in this friendship." Gyu smiles at yoongi who just continues eating. 

"So when is mom coming back?" Jungkook asks as he finishes his food. 

Their mom works with a fashion agency as a director. So she usually takes long trips overseas. They don't see each other often which is why Yoongi is usually home with them. to fill the void so he basically lives with the twins. 

Their father in the other hand is a famous actor who ditched them for his career so they haven't seen him since they were four years old. 

"I think she's coming in two months. When she's done with the California shoots she decided to take another gig in Japan." Gyu says and plays with her food a little. Gyu and her mother used to have a strong bond but since she's been focusing on work it seems like she cares about work more than her own kids. It takes her back to when her dad left. 

"At least you guys have the house to yourself." Yoongi chimes in trying to lift the mood a little. "Better than your mom being a drunk." The twins looked at each other as he said that. 

Yoongi's mother was a famous singer when she was younger. But after she married a no-good man her life went to shit. She had a baby and her figure and voice changed so she wasn't needed anymore. 

So now all she does is drink her life away and give her husband a hard time. 

These were the troubles of rich kids. Students at their school most likely have similar problems at home. 

They all cleaned up after dinner and decided to have family time which was watching Disney princess movies in their indoor movie theater. Yes, they have an outdoor one too. 

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