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"I-are you jealous?" Travis says. They had a fun night. They have been into a party on halloween, them dancing together, and most specifically, Taylor getting jealous. Travis didn't know that a woman was flirting with him. He mindlessly thought that she was trying to be friends with him. But thats wrong.

"who said I was jealous?" Taylor quickly replies

"i- you look like it.." Travis mumbles

"what? thats really what you're gonna say? that woman was literally flirting with you! you were so nonchalant about it" Taylor scoffs angry

"I didn't even know that she was flirting with me okay! what was i suppose to even do about it!?" Travis replies, slightly getting annoyed

"You were so nonchalant about it!" Taylor yells, "you didn't even stop her" she adds. She's getting emotional. Travis knows it, he knows that he has to stop this fight.

" know i wouldn't cheat on you.." Travis says "you're the only woman i love and will always" he adds.

Taylor, who was fighting tears says "i'm sorry..i know i went too far.." she sobs.

"it's's nobody's fault don't have to say sorry" her boyfriend says and hugs her. Taylor's tears getting travis' shirt wet.

"just remember baby..I will never leave you just for some other woman. I love you" he whispers

"i-i love you too..I will always trust you." Taylor replies

a/n: hey! please leave requests on what i should write next. I really don't know what to write.

anyways..hope you enjoyed the story..i literally wrote this in 30 mins 😭 so sorry if its bad

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