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Taylor and Travis are in Sydney after a long 2 weeks of not seeing each other. Taylor went to the zoo with her crew yesterday and today her and travis are gonna visit the zoo again.

"do we need uhm. Animal food?" Travis says

"We don't need. They have their own." taylor says back

They get in the car and intertwine their hands while travis starts the engine. Basically driving with one hand. Although it's dangerous, he still has to hold the steering wheel with 2 hands.

"i'm so excited! We get to go to the zoo by ourselves! No bodyguards no anything!" Taylor says after a moment of silence.

"Me too. We really needed this." he says back

The car ride was a fun and comfortable one, they were listening to music and making awesome conversations.


They get out of the parking lot and walk hand in hand.

They went into the zoo and saw animals. A kangaroo. A panda. A Giraffe, and many more

"can we feed them?" travis says while holding the Giraffe's food.

"yeah! It's so tall" taylor says and chuckles.

"its so cool!" Travis replies looking at taylor's beautiful blue eyes. And Taylor blushes once she caught him.

Once they're done feeding the Giraffe. They went in with the other animals, taking pictures and feeding them.

They went on and once it was getting dark. They knew they had to go.

They went in the car. Getting comfy and intertwined their hands again. They will never get tired of holding hands because they're just so perfect for each other.

They went home and have a nice and delicious dinner that was made by Taylor.
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