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What the hell. That did not just happen.

I pinch myself several times to see if this is some sort of imagination. I couldn't have almost kissed him. My first kiss!

Luckily it didn't happen. I do not want my first kiss to be with a guy I barely know. Worse an Alpha who is most likey going to find a mate. I hurry and slip on the shirt. It engulfs my body stopping mid thigh. I slip on the boxers, rolling them a couple times in order to be secured around my hips.

As I look at the room I find myself thinking of Derek even though that should be the last thing I think of. He is handsome, anyone can see that for a fact. With his blue eyes reminding me of the ocean. His hair a dark midnight color making his eyes pop out even more. He jawline defined and strong. I think back to how my fingers felt against his rock hard chest when I pulled him in the room.

His skin was warm against my flesh when our hands connected.
Snap out of it!

A sigh escapes my lips as I slowly feel my body drain energy with each passing second.

I lazily look ariund, a big painting by the couch cathes my attention.

I walk my feet over it and sit on the couch. A lady was their with a man next to him. In the middle was a younger version of Derek. I could tell where he gets his good lucks. He got his Mom's blue eyes and his dad's dark hair. A beautiful combination.

His parent's are looking at each other with love shinning in his eyes while smiling at each other. Derek is is smiling ,seems as if he was laughing at something. I feel a smile tug on the side of my lips. They look so happy, free.

Why do they have a painting of them in this room? Eitherway they looked like a happy family.

A perfect family.

My smile slowly turns into a frown. I wonder what my mother is doing. Is she sleeping with a guy at the moment? Is she even thinking about me and dad? Does she even regret leaving us? Is she even alive?Will I ever see her again?

She left me when I was little. She was apparently disgusted that I had "mental issues". She expected a perfect werewolf baby girl who would soon find a perfect mate and have a perfect family. She had so many dreams for me but it crushed the day I was born. Father won't tell how my mother was but I found out on my 12th birthday.

At night I snuck into the shed made espically for our family. I went through boxes and boxes and found a camera. I knew my father recorded the day I was born. I overheard him talking to his brother about it.

I was curious and trust me giving birth looks rather disgusting. But I saw the way my dad held my mom's hand in comfort as she pushed. I could see the joy as I came out crying. The doctors reaction was confusion and worry and my mom saw.

"Give me my baby," she said hands reaching for me. They cleaned me up and did all the necesary things. I will never forget her face when she saw me.

The face of happiness and love was quickly turned into fearfulness and small disgust.

As she held me and looked at me. She was calm at first but then I opened my eyes and that's when it went downhill. As I grew up my mother hated me when she found out I had issues and was Mad. She left when I was five and I haven't heard or seen of her since.

I feel a tear escape my eyelids but quickly wipe it with my backhand. We don't need her, the day she left me and dad was the day I found out we're better off without her.

Being a mother means staying and helping out. It dose not mean abandoning your kids or husband. Some things dad can't help me with and it leaves me alone. I've come to realize it's ok if my mother is no longer here. There are a bunch of people in the world without anyone and I'm glad I still have my dad.

My stomach grumbles and I wonder if my pancakes are ready. Standing up, I grab a small blanket off the side of the couch and wrap it around my body. My head feels comfortable against the soft couch and I find myself wondering where is Derek.

I feel my eyelids close as exhaustion takes off my body as I fall into a deep slumber.

Hello lovelys!!I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!please vote comment and share!hehe ily!mkay bye!

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