{17}Leave me Alone

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How dare you? You go against my wishes. That girl is meant to be killed not to be alive.

I shake my head speed walking down the hallway. No. It isn't right to kill her although what she has done.

You pathetic child

I throw my doors open and slam it shut.

What do you mean? You left me when when that monster had me. And now you back telling me to take a life.

Silence feels my thoughts before a painful throb hits me. I clench my head whimpering.

You think I wasn't in pain? You have mistaken me for some useless part of your mind. I didn't have a choice to be in your head, I was forced against my own will!

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Wha does she mean she was forced here? How could she be forced here.

You made a mistake in not getting rid of that girl. She will come back and try to kill you again. This time I won't hold back and I will make sure she gets what she deserves.

I shake my head again.

No everyone get's a second chance. She just has issues that need to be fixed.

She is destined to die

"Get out of my head!"

I throw a table to the ground and it shatters in pieces. I feel a huge relief when the voice dissapears and my shoulders sagg down. I take a deep breath and hold my arms.

A knock appears at my door and I mumble 'come in'

The doors open and I look up to see Derek standing there uncomfortable. I roll my eyes mentally and gather my legs.

I rub my eyes and fix my hat "yes?"

"Red are you alright?"

I shrug my shoulders "Am I alright you're so damn funny. I thought I was de- it dosen't matter. Just know if Daisy your pathetic lover try's to hurt anyone again I will kill her."

Derek comes closer his blues eyes holding mine. "Red just let me help you"

I push away his arms "help me? You can't help me with nothing. All you do is sit there and do nothing. What kind of Alpha are you?You have no control over your pack. They don't even obey you. "

"Red just let me h-"

"You don't even have the ability to help your so called friend out. I don't have to be here!" I scream pointing at him "this place has only brought me misery,but yet I choose to stay to help you. I know what rouges do. I can't let that happen to this pack!"


"Don't Red me. A true Alpha knows their place and you don't belong here"

I know his inner wolf is most likely insulted and angry but I could care less.

Smh Dominace.

"Please go away"

The door shuts and I breath a sigh of relief. I take my hat off and settle it on the desk. My body hits the mattress and I pull the blankets up. I cradle my necklace squezzing it as I drift off to sleep.





My feet pat against the cold forest ground as I run for my life.


The air dances across my face and whips my hair behind me. My hat falls off but I keep going,
fog forms from my breath.

Clack. Clack.

Tears spring from eyelids and the harsh wind hits it painfully. I keep running my legs going numb. My hands scrape against tress and I feel warm blood slide down my wrists.


I turn around but see only darkness. Leaves crunch and my head flicks everywhere. Birds chirp quietly and I sink into the tree.


A sizzling sound circles around me and I hold myself.

"Please please please" I whisper as tears come down my face.


The creature slithers in the trees and I hold my breath as it walks down on it's legs. I shake my head at it as more tears casade down my cheeks.

"Leave me alone!"

It clacks it's sharp teeth glistening in the midnight. His pinkish tongue smacking.

"Go away leave me alone leave me alonnnnnneee!!"

My eyes blink open and arms circle around me.

"Shhhh shhh it' s ok I'm here Red"

I nod my head as I sob "leave me alone. It's won't-won't leave me alone. Why won't it just leave me alone?"

"Red it's ok I'm here now. It's gone. It won't come back trust me"

Derek holds me tightly as I continue to sob.

He rubs my back in comfort and I cuddle into him seeking the comfort that I need.

"Your safe"

I don't how long we sat like that. It seemed like hours but he never did leave me side. I told him everything. About what I gone through. The endless cycles of death. It's like one of those horrid dreams you never want to re-expiernce.

Where you would replay your certain death. It was horrible. It is horrible.

"Well it's over Cassie"

He lifts up my chin so I meet his eyes "how do you know that? It could have just started"

His wavy hair bounces as he shakes his head "Cassie it's just dreams. There not real. It may seem like it's real but it's not. Trust me"

"Trust is a big word coming from you"

His eyebrows furry together "I admit I fucked up alot but Red you have a kind heart who I know cares for others. Plus you're pretty bad ass"

I smile softly chuckling "you're pack sucks by the way"

He laughs "even though I'm insulted I can't deny what you say"

I snort pushing my hair behind my ear.


I look up at Derek and he cradles my face. His finger tips tingle against my skin.


He leans in our lips grazing each others and I feel my heart beat wild.

"I promise from now on you won't regret me being your friend"

My eyes flutter up to his "how so?"


Hehe it end here. LOL you gunna have to wait to see what happens in the next update:)

Yes ik...I'm an evil bitch muhahahahah

What's ya favorite thing to watch on netflix?

I currenty just finished watching stranger things.

That show bomb asf


If ya liked this chapter please press that star button☆ it would be so awesome! Love ya


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