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I blink coming out of the trance Derek has put me under. I yell as his arms drop me and my butt lands on the dirty ground.

I hiss as I rub my butt and crank my neck.


Derek blinks rubbing his neck shrugging. "My bad."

"Yo yo yo! My girl Cassie wassup baby doll. Why so down?"

I squint my eyes at Robert playfully and he snorts throwing his hand at me. I grab it thankul for the help.

He tugs hard throwing me over the shoulders and I feel my vision go blurry. My hands flare out in front of me and I try to twist my body to see what was going on.

"ROBERT!you ass let me go!"

He laughs and my eyes widen as I feel him pat my butt.

He did not. No!

"Robert! Dude I'ma k-"

"Haha calm down man. Why do you even care? Jealous are we?"

My face warms as I feel my butt in full view. Oh god. How embarassing.

I pound Robert's back in frustration. This is so werid and uncool. I feel so humilated and umcomfor-

"Hey Cassie your actually heavy. Who would have thought."

"Robert I swear to god I will kill you ri-"

"I think it's you butt that makes you so heavy. Adds a few pounds to your body."

He pats my butt and I feel steam rise out my ears.

"Robert get your hands off Red."

I feel Robert sigh his body tensing. "Your such a mood killer. Gee why don't you just confess that you li-"

"Put. Her. Down."

My eyes widen as I hear how dark and serious he sounds. My stomach swirls as I feel excited that Derek might feel jealous.

I'm lowered to the ground and I punch Robert's arm. "Don't touch me bitch."

He smirks and winks at me raising his eyebrows at Derek.

"So.....Derek. Do you?"

Derek squints his eyes cocking his head at us. "Uhhhh what?"

"Do you like Cassie here?"

I blink surprised. Oh god. Robert why would you ask a thing. I mean it's not like I would care how Derek would respond. I mean I don't even like him. Oh what the hell. I'm lying to myself.

No matter how hard I can deny it, I do feel like I have a connection with Derek whether I like it or not. Plus we are mates after all.

Didn't Anthony say to tell him before it's to late. Or is this too early?

As I stare at Derek I get more anxious wanting to know what his answer will be.

His hard demanor and still gaze slides over to me. He snorts before letting out a loud laugh.

"Ha! Me like Red. Hilarious. Dude you know I have Daisy."

I hold my breath, hurt enflicting itself in me. Daisy? DAISY after all she's done he still goes back to Daisy. He may be my mate but I'll never hold his heart. I feel rejected, and it's not a good feeling.

He'll never love you. Should have just ended yourself when you had a chance.

I shake my head clearing my throat. It's ok, I just need to suck it up.

"Uhhh- Hey are you guys hungry? Cuz I am and I really need to take a shot-uhh I mean my meds before it get-"

"Oh really?"

I stop my babbling looking at Robert. He has a serious expression on and I look between them confused.

A stare down goes between them creating a tense friction.

"Ohh ok since you don't I'll just do what I want then. Like this.."

Robert grabs my waist pulling me towards him as my eyes widen. His lips meet me in a sweet delicate kiss.

His hand is buried on my mane of hair and his arm tightens across my waist squeezing me closer to him. He licks my lip and then let's go letting me catch a fresh air of breath.

I blink coming out of a haze and Robert winks at me.

"Gotta blast!" He yells transforming into his wolf and takes off.

I turn to Derek trying to see his reaction. His eyes are a dealthy black and he growls his fang sprung out.


He growls again taking off in wolf form.

Of course I'm pissed Robert would do something like that but it was nice and sweet.

I touch my lips grining feeling a gaze on me but ignoring it I walk towards my room.
Hey guys I know it's been awhile but so much things have been happening that is hard to deal with.😢 I'm struggling to keep a positive head, and I find it hard everyday to even look forward to the day.

I don't even had the energy/encouragement to write at the moment. I know this chapter is super short but I felt I needed to update cause I can't let all my supporters and readers down.❤

I will try to update again this week.

I know I had a few shippers for Cassie and Robert so I did this chapter to be unexpected.

How did you like it?

Do you prefer Robert with Red or Derek and why?

Question of le chapter: Are you guys going to homecoming?

Please vote and comment♡

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