Chapter 1- On my mind

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Pomni: Pov
It's been at least 3 weeks since I have been stuck in this stupid circus. I think I'm going insane, I keep looking for the exit but all I find is a bunch of dead ends.
While I'm crying in my room I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in" I yelled I heard the door creak open and then Ragatha came in my bedroom "Hey PomPom I just came to check up on you to see how you are doing"   She then flashed me a smile and for some weird reason I felt my face get hot and I started to blush. "Oh-um H-hey Ragatha I-I'm d-doing fine" Then I sat there and looked at her with this stupid grin on my face LIKE AN IDIOT. She stared back at me and then gave me another smile which made me blush more and then she akwardly looked at me  and said "W-Well I'm going to leave you alone now have a good day PomPom" When she left my room I turned into a giggly mess  I just kept thinking about her face her smile and her voice I have no idea what source of magic she used to hypnotize me  but it's working.

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