A jester's confession

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Pomni Pov:
I was pacing around my room trying to think of ways but I keep getting distracted by thinking of Ragatha and how pretty she is.
"Maybe I should tell her I like her...No terrible idea she might reject me but then again what if she likes me back or what if she doesn't for heaven's sake does she even like girls?"  I just sat there until I finally decided that I should just tell her my feelings and if she likes me back no problem I can handle that right?

Ragatha Pov:
I was causally killing the centipedes that Jax had snuck in my room (again) when I heard a knock on my door "Come in" I yelled . After a few seconds Pomni opened the door with her hands behind her back and she was blushing like crazy
"H-Hey Ragatha I need to tell you something important"
"Okay Pomni what is it?"
She played with her hair for a few seconds and took a deep breath.
"Ever since I came to the circus you were the n-nicest towards me and well I started to have feelings for you and all I have to say is that I like you and I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend?"
I stared at her for a few seconds and felt my face get hot and red I didn't say anything at all I just stooped down cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
When we had pulled away we both saw an annoying purple bunny standing outside my bedroom door like he saw the whole thing.
I grabbed the butcher knife that was under my bed and chased him with it.
Pomni Pov: I sat there staring at all my surroundings replaying the moment where where Ragatha kissed me I was sad that Jax had to ruin everything.
I layed down on the floor and started to turn into a giggly mess once again but I don't care anymore. Although I wish Ragatha could kiss me again

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