double date

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Hi Ruby here 👋🏾 (that's not my name but everyone calls me Ruby online) I just wanted to apologized for not updating I finally caught up with my school work which is why I'm writing this (plus I have a test this Friday) but like I was just deciding to make a chapter request by someone I forgot their user- so umm yeah
Pomni Pov:
Today's adventure was kinda chaotic wait no chaotic is an understatement.
Basically we did an adventure that involved swimming in a pool of slime and you know it got really messy I was lucky not to get much in my hair due to my jester hat but I can't say the same for my girlfriend (aka future wife) Ragatha  do we had went to her bedroom to help get the slime out of her hair. We were sitting there in complete silence until Ragatha spoke up "Pom Pom remember how a week ago our first date well want the ideal first date you were probably expecting"
"Yeah kinda I'm kinda traumatized from falling in that lake"
"Well Zooble and Gangle's first date didn't go so well either since Jax had broken Gangle's Comedy mask before the there date and y'know Gangle was crying half of the time.....So they were wondering if all four of us can go on a double date I'm fine with it honestly once your comfortable with it"
"Yeah sure that sounds fine it be nice "
"Great once we're done getting this out
My hair I'll let them know"
After that conversation we just sat there in akward silence with us looking every nook and cranny of Ragatha's scalp to see if there was any slime left
.When we had finished I gave Ragatha a small peck before leaving her room to get ready.
When I got to my room I had a hard time deciding how I should dress since the dress I wore on my last date was stained with strawberry champagne and I kinda have limited options so I found a cute red top and black mini skirt and black stockings with cute 1 inch black heels. I went back to Ragatha's room since I finished changing and when she opened the door I kinda got flashed since she wasn't fully dressed. She went back to the bathroom to finish her make up and I saw what looked like a black and red suit  hanging on her closet door, she grabbed it and came back outside and I saw how the outfit fit on her it looked tight but that had only complimented her curves. Iss that wasn't heavyguess she noticed I was staring at her because she blushed slightly which only made me turn to a tomato. Gosh I hate it when she teases me she probably dressed up in a tight suit JUST TO TOURTURE ME but goodness me that foll is hot. She grabbed my hand and we walked to the entrance of the tent were Gangle and Zooble were waiting for us
"Hey I hope we didn't take two long"
"Oh-Oh no it's fine Zooble and I were worried we made you guys wait since I couldn't find a dress that wasn't heavy and looked good"
"I kept telling her that all her dresses were fine but she kept complaining"
"I wasn't complaining Zooble!"
Ragatha and I had giggled while they were aguring. After a bit we had decided to go back to the same Café Ragatha had taken me to ,that I didn't really get to enjoy since y'know. We had taken our seats and ordered our food. This time Ragatha didn't spill anything on me and I actually got to enjoy my food. I had gotten a steak and fries Ragatha got a salad with baked potatos Gangle got Spaghetti and Zooble ate Gangle's leftovers. I will say that for food you can't really eat it tasted good. After eating we just chatted for a bit before deciding to go back to the tent. When got back I B̶e̶g̶g̶e̶d̶ asked Ragatha if she could sleep with me since these days I feel like I can't sleep without her. We curled up in bed to together and cuddled until we fell asleep

Jax Pov:

I've been watching Pomni from a far following her on her dates and where she goes with dollface every day that jester is getting cuter and cuter and it's killing but yet everyday that Ragdoll gets more and more attached to her and that become closer I need to show Pomni she could do better I need to ruin their relationship.....

I Love You Too (Pomni X Ragatha)Where stories live. Discover now