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Ragatha Pov:
I was in my room (totally having a meltdown for the 576th time in the past 24 hours) trying to process what happened.

Pomni now hates me for something that was not even my fault
"That stupid rabbit of course it was his fault" I mumbled
I was about to have my 577th meltdown when I heard a knocking on my door I dried my tears with my skirt so it looked like I wasn't crying I opened the door and saw Gangle on the other side
"Hello Gangle is there anything I can help you with?" I asked trying to sound cheerful and upbeat.
"Erm I heard Pomni broke up with you....I just wanted to see how you were doing and all that" She said entering my room
"Well Gangle I'm doing just great." I lied
Gangle looked at me for a bit and was about to say something until I broke down in tears in front of her she pulled me into a hug and I told her everything that happened and she hugged me
After a while Gangle asked me if I wanted to get ice-cream with her and Zooble later and I agreed
Hi 👋🏾 Ruby here I want to apologize for a short chapter since it's Holy Saturday and Everything I am spending it with my family and cousins and stuff and I can't get a minute alone to myself since my cousins and sister are nosy as heck so yeah have a blessed Holy Saturday (if it's apart of your religion)

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