Cowboys and Jazz

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We've been watching movies at Hank's house some nights, whenever they had another deviant to investigate, ever since Connor found him passed out drunk with a gun he decided we shouldn't leave him alone too much after a stressful case. I'm sure if I asked he would just say something like,

'it's imperative to the mission that he doesn't die.' Or somethin like that.

But I had a small feeling it was because he cared. The way he pulled me aside, worry etched into his features and told me what happend. I struggled to believe there wasn't a hint of something other than the case fueling his motivations.

Seeing connor just doing everyday things like petting a dog, making popcorn and laughing at bad movies made my stomach flip and my mind race, constantly trying to remind myself that he's an android and I can't get attached. He always seemed to make me forget that though as we sit side by side watching a movie Hank chose.

Some guns and horses movie about a man bringing the magic of jazz to a town that really just needed a sewer system and medical care. Even though my eyes were focused on the screen my attention was on Connor's side pressed against mine. As much as I tried to focus on anything else; cowboys making mean faces, Connors neatly folded jacket with the word ANDROID lightly shining -no no not that, sumo's panting, Hanks burps, the clock switching from 2:34am to 2:35, but my mind always wondered back to Connor and his bodies pressure against my side.

We didn't start so close, I began sitting on the left side of the couch, with Hank on the other and Connor in between us. It wasn't until sumo rammed his big body onto hank, pushing Connor towards me and stretching out across the couch, that we got into this awkward mess. We're so crammed together that it was hard to find any comfortable seating position. He shuffled and scooched and I tried to just keep my focus on the movie, occasionally trying to scoot back towards the armrest but this damn old couch kept making me slid back into him. After about 10 minutes of him trying to find any position that wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, Hank snapped,

"Dammit Connor! Sit still. I'm tryna watch the movie!" He grumbled before going back to petting sumo.

Connor decided to move his arm to rest on the couch behind my head and angled his body so sumo's hind legs was pressing against his back and I slid from my squished position to halfway on his lap. I held my breath to stop from gasping and felt the familiar blush spread across my cheeks. Connor sighed softly as we finally got into a somewhat comfy position but my body was frozen from the much more intamite contact. Before, we were squished but now, it's like we're practically cuddling. My heart raced and I felt awkward from the way I froze but I couldn't bring myself to fully relax into his arms.

I can't let this fantasy crush come to fruition. In my head, I can let myself forget that he's not an android and just pretend its all normal to keep peace and not be constantly battling myself. Yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't help from letting it seep into reality, it took all the strength in my being not to rest my head against his shoulder and cuddle him closer.

I decided it would not be a good idea to let my body do what it wants and instead slowly turned so my back was against the armrest and swung my legs over his, causing his eyes to snap up to mine and I paused, thinking I made the wrong choice. His LED slowly went from yellow to blue and he finally relaxed, His body sliding under my knees making sumo get up and stretch with a big yawn, turning around to plop his head on Connor's stomach. He softly placed his hand behind sumo's ear and petted him softly, letting a sweet smile spread across his lips.

It was like the room breathed a sigh of relief as my heart slowly stopped racing and I let myself become comfortable.

After 40 minutes of boring cowboys and jazz we all slowly got more slouched. Hank had a couple beers by this point and was sinking into the couch more and more with every passing minute. I slowly slid down until my head was resting on the arm rest and my legs were fully over Connors lap and slid my feet under sumo's warm belly. Even Connor let himself squish back into the couch, resting one hand on sumo and the other on my thigh. My eyes fluttered closed as I let myself forget that his thumb softly rubbing my thigh was synthetic and decided just to focus on the comfort and warmth that filled the room, a soft smile on all of our faces.

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