Comforted and Cared For by Royalty

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(A/N! Filler chapter I guess you could call this? Though please don't skip it! There will be another after this. This is to replace Queen Bee. The next chapter will be to replace The Circus and after that and then we'll be back on track again with Seeing Stars. I do this because I don't want to write things that I clearly can't integrate (Y/N) in. My goal is to integrate this character in a way that isn't forced, but I can't just leave huge gaps without much explanation. Also sorry no art for this one. I've had major art block and I don't want to go a long time with a fully written chapter unpublished over no art.)

   Inside the Goetia manor, Stolas was now sitting on the couch with a movie and a bowl of popcorn. He was changed into some comfortable sleep wear. Next to him was (Y/N) eating some popcorn and dressed in one of Octavia's old sets of clothes, specifically sleep wear. A new t-shirt with a shooting star on it and matching pants. The demon prince was thankful he kept those as it definitely saved him in this situation that Blitzø practically dropped on him.

   The two munched away on popcorn as the movie went on. "So umm little one. I have some questions for you. If you don't mind." Stolas says interrupting the silence between the two. (Y/N) turns their head away from the movie to face the demon prince. "Mmm I guess. Just try not to pry too much. There are some I won't fully answer or out right won't answer at all. As long as ya promise not to talk about it all willy nilly." They replied with a soft sigh.

   Stolas nods. "That is alright. I won't press. What's a rare and quite young hellborn demon like yourself doing on your own? In your outburst you mentioned something very concerning." He asks with a concerned look on his face. The Goetian prince was genuinely concerned for the child. It seems they'd gone through some shit already at a young age.

   "I see. I'll put it short and not so sweet. My folks were poor and sold me to an incubus. Told me to gather mah stuff and that I was going to live with an incubus for a while." (Y/N) sighs and tears up slightly. "I don't want to talk about what he did to me. Ozzie and Fizzy put an end to it, but in exchange I had to work for him for a bit."

   Stolas's eyes widened as he watched the child next to him begin to shiver and tear up. "Oh my. I'm so sorry." He goes into father mode and pulls (Y/N) into his arms. "Shhh I won't ask anything more until a later date. You're safe now. I...will keep you safe as long as I'm here." He says assuringly. The owl prince hums softly and rocks the now crying lion dog demon.

   "Mmm y-you will? But I don't deserve it!" (Y/N) sobs into Stolas's feathers. Their soft furry ears were pulled back as they clung to him. "Shh. You do deserve it. You're a strong one child." He reassured them.

   There wasn't anything said between the two as (Y/N)'s sobs died down. Stolas smiles softly at the young lion dog and pats their head. "Now then you seem to really cling to me. Am I some sort of pillow?" He asks which earned him a soft giggle at the question. "Oh that's a cute little giggle. I'm sure you utilize that well in Blitzy's business yes?" The owl demon inquires.

   (Y/N) giggles again and nods. "Yeah. I like to use Deception. If they think I'm just a little cutie pie, they're more likely to let their guard down and underestimate me." They explained to Stolas to which he nods. "Ah that is very smart." He praises the young demon.

"Thank you kindly." (Y/N) smiles before remembering something which made them drop their smile in exchange for a frown. "Though Stolas there's something I feel I need to warn you about." They said with concern. Stolas tilts his head at this sudden change in behavior. "Warn me? About what?" He asks. "Well I wasn't alone as you know at the festival. While I don't intend to kill ya no more, Striker I reckon still probably has his sights on you. Please be careful. He has blessed weapons and he stole mine." They explain and the owl demon sighs. "I'm sure I'll be all right. I know if I get in trouble Blitzy can handle it. You know I'm not completely helpless either." He assured.

Deceptive Killer (Helluva Boss x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now