Chapter 2 Peter Got in Another Fight

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Verity's pov
Usually, I'm excited to get back to school, but this year, not so much. Last year, I won so many awards, and I was the teacher's pet and the know-it-all. That's what all the girls had called me. It didn't help that I was a grade ahead. Being smart had its disadvantages.
It had been over a year since we had our adventure in the wardrobe. I so much wished to go back and I knew my other siblings did too.
This school year would end miserably I already knew it. It didn't help that I had ruined my uniform and Mom had made me wear clothes that made me stick out like a sore thumb. How it happened? Edmund and I had gotten into an argument, and I had gotten angry, banging my hand on the table and spilling my tea.
My siblings and I were waiting for the train that would take us back to school. Peter and I had gotten bored, so we decided to take a walk. Lucy was going to join us, but she had gotten distracted.
We make our way past some school boys, who were obviously from Peter's school, by their uniforms.
One of them bumped into Peter, "Hey, squirt, watch it!" He glared.
"Who are you calling a squirt," I snarled at him, "You bumped into him."
"Verity Pevensie," One of the boys says.
"Yes," I cross my arms.
"You don't have to act that high and mighty, missy; my sister was working hard for those school awards when a 13-year-old kid had to win them." He continues."And why aren't you wearing a uniform."
"I deserve those awards! And I ruined my uniform!"
"How did you manage to ruin your uniform? I guess you're not as smart as they say you are. I bet you cheat, you don't have a brain at all, brat."
I flew at him, trying to push in over, "How dare you! You insolent hateful, mean, unfeeling boy!"
The boy laughed, "Look, fellows, a girl who thinks she's stronger than us." He was about to fight back when my brother came to the rescue
"Leave my sister out of this," Peter glares at him, "What do you want, William?" He steps up to the boy who bumped him.
"I want you to apologize for bumping into me," William retorts.
"No, I don't think so," Peter answers coldly.
"Oh, you will, what do you think you are, a king," William replies.
Before I knew what happened next, Peter punched the fellow in the jaw. Ever since we left Narnia, Peter still hadn't gotten used to not being High King Peter anymore
"Pete!" I yell in protest."Stop this at once!"
But he ignores me, he and William are in a full-fledged battle.
"Verity, what's going on," it's Lucy; I turn around, "Peter got in another fight, if that's what you want to know, come on, we need to tell Susan." I grab her hand, and we run to find Susan.
We see her and Ruth across the road, reading magazines or trying to. Susan was talking to a boy, she didn't seem to want to be around him. And Ruth was trying to hold back a giggle.
"Watch it, lasses!" A man yells at us from in his car; he almost runs us over.
"Sorry," we both say.
"Susan!" I yell as we run up to her, the boy gives her a confused look.
"You better come quickly," Lucy tells her.
"Peter got into another fight," I explain as we rush back.
"Not again," she sighs.
"By the way, Susan, who was that boy," I tease her.
"Oh, shut up," she groans at me.
"Seems Susan has a suitor," I whisper to Ruth, who laughs.
"She told him her name was Phyllis, it was ridiculous, Verity," she tells me, "How in the world did Peter get into a fight this time."
The conversation turned to our brother, I just shook my head, "Doesn't he always."
"Why didn't you stop it?" Lucy asks.
"Because Peter never listens to me," I answer annoyed, "Even if I try."
We reach the fight scene. By now it has caused a lot of attention. A whole group of other kids are gathering around them
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They chant.
Peter looks up at us as we try to get through. Susan gives him one of her looks.
I see my other brother Edmund, push through the crowd and jump on the fellow, who sort of threatened me today.
"Edmund!" Cries, Lucy.
"He deserved it!" I laugh."Get him, Peter and Edmund!"
Susan nudges me, "Verity, you're not helping at all."
"Well, that boy was being a brat earlier," I tell her.
"How?" My curious sister Ruth asks.
"Never mind, he just deserves it," I reply
"Enough boys!" Two soldiers yell, "Break it up!"
One of them looks a Peter and William, "Act your age!"
Peter gives him a disgusted look. I meet up with him, "Maybe, I shouldn't haven't encouraged, Edmund to fight that whatever that boy's name is."
He shrugs, "You shouldn't have told Susan either. And his name is Matthew, stay away from him."
"She's just trying to keep you out of trouble," I agree back.
"Look, we'll talk about this later; right now, I've got to clean up. And if I wouldn't have been there you could have been seriously hurt by those boys. So who do you think you are." he answers.
I sigh in annoyance. He used to always take my advice. I mean he always said I was the intelligent one."I'm Queen Verity the Faithful," I yelled.
Peter laughed, "Not right now."

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