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So what does this mean? I wondered about this the first time I watched the movie.
Answer, without faith is impossible to please him. Him meaning Jesus or in Narnia, Aslan. The reason the others didn't see Aslan when Lucy did they weren't looking for him, especially Peter and Verity, being blinded by their pride.
We are often like them, I've been where Verity was, I was so blinded with my pride thinking I was better than these other girls and smarter, that I lost sight of Jesus and I wasn't looking for him. All I wanted was to win the approval of man. That's where Verity's story comes from.
Since I didn't write Peter's story, it wasn't based on a life experience, but we too, if we have too much power, we can become to proud and also lose sight of Jesus.
Jesus said many times to his disciples,"Therefore whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3.
Who humbles herself like a little child in Narnia. Lucy and she also has faith like a little child. She was looking for Aslan, knowing they couldn't do it without him. Why, didn't Ruth see him? Well, that's because sometimes God doesn't always show himself the same way. She still saw Aslan, but not in the way you expect. Believing is what really matters.
We have to rely the same way on Jesus, he is the answer!
Let us come to the one who says,"Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

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