ii. dm sliding

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chapter two | dm sliding
you better ask him or istg i'll dice you like a pickle.


Walker Scobell
Instagram • walker.scobell
1.3M followers • 34 posts
You've followed this account since 2020
You both follow taylorswift and 32 others

Walker Scobell
hey, dylan, it was really nice
seeing you again last night.

Dylan Swift
oh, hi walker! it was
nice to see you too! and
i really enjoyed meeting
the rest of the pjo cast!

Walker Scobell
they liked meeting you

i just wanted to say
that we're all in nyc for
another week if you
wanted to hang out at all.

Dylan Swift
yeah! id love too see you guys!

Walker Scobell
is your number still

Dylan Swift
oh! no, i had to get a new
phone last year cause my
old one broke so here's my
new number!

Walker Scobell
cool, i'll text you later.


DYLAN walked out of her bedroom, a red flush on her cheeks and a shy smile on her face as she exited out of the instagram app.

"What's got you so smiley?" A voice asked from the kitchen. Dylan gasped as the voice startled her. She looked up from her phone too see her sister baking her infamous chai sugar cookies.

"Taysie! I thought you were at the recording studio?" Dylan asked, walking over to her sister and taking a seat at the kitchen island.

"I was, but I finished recording earlier then I expected. That's not important, though, who's making you so red?" Taylor teased, leaning over the counter to pinch Dylan's cheeks playfully.

Dylan loved her sister, she really did, more than anything in the world, but she could be extremely nosy sometimes. "I was just talking to Walker, you know him right? He was in Secret Headquarters with me and Annie."

"Aw, my little Dylsie has a crush!" Taylor giggled, deserting her half made cookies to sit on the stool next to her sister. Dylan shook her head, her cheeks becoming an even deeper red.

"No, I don't! He just asked if I wanted to hang out with him and the rest of the Percy Jackson cast sometime this week." Dylan protested, watching as her sister nodded slowly.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Taylor remarked, a large grin on her face as she returned to her abandoned cookie ingredients. Dylan rolled her eyes playfully, dipping her finger the sugary batter. She licked it off her finger, making a noise of satisfaction.

"So, when does Travis play next? I need to figure out what to wear." The girl asked, a smile finding its way onto her face as she watched her sister's cheeks flush at the mention of her boyfriend.

"They play on the eighteenth at Gillette Stadium. Oh, and Dad's coming too." Taylor replied, placing her cookies in the oven. Dylan grinned, her Dad hadn't been to a Chiefs game with them yet and she was so excited for him to finally be going.

"Ok! I'll leave you be now. Love you!" The younger exclaimed, jumping off of her stool and returning to the comfort of her bedroom. As soon as Dylan had shut her door, she was pulling out her phone to text Annalise and Frances.

the girlzz 🥶🥶🥵🥵

orphan annie 🙊 - annalise
frenchie 🇫🇷 - frances
dilly 🥒 - dylan

dilly 🥒

frenchie 🇫🇷
with a reaction like
that you'd think it was
ross lynch

dilly 🥒
ok first of all fuck you
he will dm me one day
and second of all no it
wasn't him

orphan annie 🙊
maybe it was her other
boyfriend walker

they were pretty close
at the premiere last
night 😉

dilly 🥒
im gonna ignore the fact
that you used that emoji
and focus on the fact that
you're right 😝😝

frenchie 🇫🇷
i don't know why this
is such a big deal? you
guys are literally friends
are you not?

dilly 🥒
i wasn't done thank you
very much.

i was also going to say
that he invited me to hang
out with him and his
friends but i guess you don't
care 😓

orphan annie 🙊
woah, woah, woah

he invited you to hang
out with his friends? when?
i want to come to this

dilly 🥒
well we haven't worked
out when yet but he asked
for my number so 🤞

frenchie 🇫🇷
i would like to retract my
earlier statement because i
would also like to meet
his friends


orphan annie 🙊
jesus christ control your
psycho dog dylan


dilly 🥒

well technically he asked
if my number was still my old
one but it's practically the same
thing cause now he has my
new number 🤭

i'll ask if you guys can
come with whenever walker
texts me 😋

frenchie 🇫🇷
you better ask him or
istg i'll dice you like a pickle

orphan annie 🙊
ok dylan you really gotta
control your dog because
this is not normal behaviour

dilly 🥒
idk im actually really busy
waiting for this really
cute guy to text me so...

frenchie 🇫🇷
you are so hopeless it's not
even funny 😒

dilly 🥒

anyways i gtg pick out a
fit for the chiefs game on

i'll update you guys when
walker texts me!!

orphan annie 🙊
we'll be waiting!!!

guys ross lynch is
actually so fine omg 😻
idk where im going with
this but basically dylan
and walker were friends
during secret headquarters
filming but then lost
contact after filming was
done so that's why walker
already had one of her
numbers so...
anyways! bye 👋

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