iii. unknown numbers

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chapter three | unknown numbers
staring at your phone in hopes of getting a message does not work, trust me.


DYLAN laid across her double bed, Benji stretched along her chest, nosing at her hand in attempts to get her to play with him. Usually, she would drop everything and give Benji all her attention, yet today she was a little preoccupied.

As soon as she'd finished talking to Annalise and Frances she'd been eagerly waiting for a text from Walker. It'd been almost three hours since the boy had asked for Dylan's number and she was getting more and more impatient by the minute.

Normally, Dylan would've made the first move and texted Walker first, however, she didn't have the boys number anymore. The blonde sighed, refreshing her messages once more, an unsurprised look on her face when there was still no message from Walker.

Her despair was quickly interrupted by the sound of her bedroom door swinging open. Dylan looked up to see her sister standing in her doorway, her hands on her hips like a disappointed mother.

"Dylan, I've been calling your for lunch for the past like, five minutes. What's going on?" Taylor asked, looking at her sister confusedly. Dylan was never one to ignore Taylor, or to miss lunch.

"Sorry, I've just been a little distracted, I guess." Dylan shrugged, quickly glancing at her phone which was still in her hands. Her sister noticed this, a sigh escaping her lips as she walked across the room to sit next to Dylan.

"Dyls, if this is about Walker you need to just be patient. He's probably going to be really busy this week with interviews and press, alright? Staring at your phone in hopes of getting a message does not work, trust me." Taylor assured her. A small smile tugged at Dylan's lips, Taylor always knew how to read her mind, and she knew exactly how to make her feel better.

"You're right, he's probably just really busy." Dylan nodded, carelessly throwing her phone onto her bed. "So, what's for lunch?" The younger asked, sitting up as much as she could with Benji still on top of her.

"Well, if you're up for it, I was thinking we could make pizzas." Taylor replied, knowing that pizza always cheered Dylan up when she was sad.

As expected, Dylan's eyes lit up at the mention of her favourite food. "I'm always up for pizza!" She exclaimed, carefully moving Benji off of her lap.

As soon as the feline was on her bed she was almost sprinting to the kitchen, eager to make and devour the pizzas that the pair of sisters were yet to create.

Dylan loved days like this, when Taylor was able to spend the whole day with her at home and wasn't worrying about tour or recording. It was nice to have some time with her sister without paparazzi and fans crowding them.

The two sisters spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies, playing board games, and baking an assortment of sweets, laughter filling the house as the girls let their childish sides run free.

Eventually, the two said their goodnights, and parted ways, each returning to their bedrooms, physically drained from the afternoon they'd had.

Dylan fell back onto her bed after taking a shower and doing her nightly routine. She picked up her phone to see many notifications lighting up the screen, however, one in particular caught her attention.

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