v. a successful zoo trip

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chapter five | a successful zoo trip
we can go to the red pandas after, dylan.


DYLAN, Annalise, and Frances sat in the backseat of the black range rover Taylor had arranged to take them to Central Park Zoo.

The whole car ride the three girls had been giggling over tiktoks and instagram posts of their celebrity crushes, or trying not to laugh at all the paparazzi following them that thought they were Taylor.

Once they'd arrived at the zoo, Dylan thanked the driver, and the three girls made their way to the front gates, where a group of familiar looking teens were standing.

When the girls got close enough, Annalise yelled out, catching the groups attention. "We're here!" She exclaimed, racing over to the group. Dylan and Frances followed behind her, matching grins on their faces as they watched their best friend.

"Hey!" Dylan greeted, her and Frances coming to stand behind Annalise, who was currently suffocating Leah in a hug. Once Annalise had let Leah breathe again, Dylan introduced Frances to the group of teens. "Guys, this is Frances, Frances this is Walker, Leah, Aryan, Dior, and Charlie." Dylan said, gesturing to each person as she said their name.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you all." Frances smiled, waving at the group eagerly. The other teens all smiled back, a chorus of greetings ringing in the air in return.

"Uh, now that we're all introduced and everything, do you wanna head in?" Walker asked, causing everyone to nod in agreement. The group started walking through the gates to the front desk so they could buy their tickets, multiple conversations starting up during the short walk from the entrance.

When everyone had paid for their tickets, Charlie grabbed a map from the desk, and pulled everyone to a table so they could figure out where they were going to start their day. "Alright, what do you guys want to see first?" He asked, placing the map in the middle of the table for the group to look at.

"Ooh, I wanna see the red pandas!" Dylan exclaimed, her hand shooting out to point at the small picture of a red panda on the map. The girl had always been in love with red pandas for as long as she could remember, so naturally they had become her older sisters favourite's as well.

"What a shocker." Frances replied, sarcasm filling her tone as she rolled her eyes playfully at her best friend. Dylan raised her middle finger at the girl, sticking her tongue out in addition.

"Why don't we go see the penguins?" Dior suggested, earning a squeal from Annalise, who was eagerly nodding her head at the suggestion. The rest of the group exchanged looks before a range of voices filled the air, all agreeing with the statement Dior had made.

"Then it's settled. Let's go see the penguins! We can go to the red pandas after, Dylan" Aryan said, a laugh escaping his lips at the last sentence. At Aryan's statement, the teens all grabbed their bags and started to make their way to the penguin enclosure. Charlie and Dior were up front with the map, Aryan and Annalise were behind them giggling about something, Leah and Frances were beside the two taking pictures, and Dylan Walker were trailing the group in silence.

"So... How have you been?" Walker asked, breaking the silence between the two. Dylan sighed in relief, as she'd been trying to find something to say to the boy, but he had thankfully beat her to it.

"I've been good! Really busy, but good! What about you?" Dylan replied, dragging out the 'really', earning a laugh from Walker, which caused her to start giggling as well. The two took a second to compose themselves after their little fit of laughter before Walker continued the conversation.

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