vii. surprise flower dates

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chapter seven | surprise flower dates
like it? walks, i love it!


SINCE their visit to the zoo, Dylan and Walker had practically spent every second that they weren't busy, talking to each other, which Dylan really didn't mind at all. Sure, her sister did find the incessant giggling a bit annoying, but she knew exactly how the girl was feeling.

Earlier that morning when Dylan had spontaneously facetimed Walker, they'd decided that considering it was his last day in New York, and he didn't have any interviews, they would hang out. However, Walker wouldn't tell her where he was taking her.

She had tried multiple times to get the boy tell her where they were going, but he simply had the same reply every time, "Just wear something comfortable and I'll pick you up at one."

So, Dylan was currently sitting at her vanity, putting on her usual makeup, a simple mascara, lipgloss, and blush. She'd picked out a cute jean jacket/sundress combo with a pair of cowboy boots, hoping that it was appropriate to wear to wherever Walker was taking her.

Just as she had finished brushing out her tangled hair when she heard Taylor yell out to her from the living room, "Dylan, Walker's here!" The girl immediately started shoving her essentials into her bag before sprinting out of her room.

When she reached the living room she was greeted by the sight of Walker sitting on their couch as Travis stood in front of him seemingly interrogating him. "Oh, my God. Travis, leave the poor boy alone!" She exclaimed, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

At the sound of her voice Travis stopped talking and turned to Dylan with a sheepish smile. "Hey, Dylan. I was just, uh, introducing myself to your friend, Walker, right?" Travis chuckled, obviously trying to cover up the fact he was most definitely not just introducing himself.

"Yeah, totally. Uh, we're gonna go now, so bye!" Dylan said, making her way to the couch where Walker was still sitting in shock. She grabbed the boys wrist and practically dragged him out of the apartment waving goodbye to her sister and her boyfriend before leaving.

"God, that was so embarrassing, I am so sorry, Walker." Dylan sighed, her hand still wrapped around the boys wrist, yet neither of the two teens really minded the touch.

"No, no, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting it." Walker laughed, "Anyways, are you ready to experience the best day of your life, Miss Swift?" Dylan smiled at the boy, even though she didn't know exactly where he was taking her, she knew she waited have fun regardless.

"I was born ready, Mr Scobell." Dylan giggled, letting Walker take the lead now. The two exited the building and Walker took the girl to his mother's car, starting their day of adventures.

ONCE the car finally slowed to a stop, Walker turned to Dylan, a grin on his face. "Okay, once we get out of the car you've gotta close your eyes, alright?" He told the Dylan, who nodded in response.

Walker helped the girl out of the car, and after shooting Mrs Scobell a quick thank you for driving them, Dylan closed her eyes. "You better not let me fall, Walks." Dylan said, as she felt the boy gently grab her hands.

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