Chapter 2: Nothing to Fear

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His head ached, a sharp throbbing pain in the back of his head.

"We found him near the portals. You think he's still dangerous?"

"We don't know for sure. He might be still corrupted and trying to trick us."


"What do we do with him, Captain?"

"Keep him in one of the cells for now. We'll observe and make sure he doesn't try anything."

"Yes, sir."

The two men clad in white armor began to drag him away, Sabre too weak to protest. As he was taken, he looked up at Light.

His expression was cold and distrusting. There was almost a hatred in his eyes. The familiar snow-like, fluffy sweater he always wore had been replaced by white armor similar to the others'. A spear was held in his hands, ready to strike.

This... wasn't the friend Sabre once knew.

What happened to Light...?


Sabre jolted awake. He would have thought the previous day's events were another dream, if it wasn't for the fact he woke up still in the comfy bed.

After a moment of half-awake confusion, he remembered how M had brought him there and got up. He looked out the glass door at the kingdom below, and it looked much different during the day. Red Steves of all ages were out and about, some in shops or market stalls while others seemed to just be taking a walk. Children played in the street, a few adults supervising. The trees surrounding the kingdom somehow had red petals falling from their branches, the wind carrying them down into the village.

There was a soft knock at the door, and Sabre jumped before turning to look.

"Hey Sabre, it's me. Are you awake?" He heard M call from the other side.

"Y-Yes, I'm awake." Sabre replies. "You can come in."

M opened the door and walked in, now wearing a different outfit. He had on a greyish-red shirt covered by a deep burgundy coat, which was similar to the cloak he wore previously. Light brown pants were tucked into brick-colored boots. He now had a small gold crown adorning his head, and fingerless gloves that were a similar shade to the color of wine. M smiles as he sees him.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Better than how I did at the Library." Sabre says, smiling awkwardly.

"Well, of course an actual bed is gonna be more comfortable than the floor surrounded by broken furniture." M says, laughing a little. "Has your shadow bothered you?"

"Not yet, but he probably will." Sabre sighs.

M is quiet for a moment.

"Hey, did you ever decide on letting me take you to that friend...?" He asks. "Y'know, the one I said can get rid of the shadow? He lives in the kingdom, and it wouldn't take too long... if you're okay with it, of course."

Sabre thought about the offer. Shadow had been nothing but trouble, and not to mention he caused the other Chromatics' abandonment. The thought of seeing other people so soon made Sabre anxious, but in exchange for removing the last of the Darkness in him...?

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