Chapter 9: As the Days Pass

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Heya! I took advice from the comments from last chapter, and these timeskipping chapters are gonna be structured like the flashbacks. Or- sort of like short oneshots all put in one chapter? Idk how to really explain it-

Either way, enjoy this rollercoaster of fluff, angst, lore, comfort, learning, and everything in between :D

Also wow this book has been in the top 3 spots a lot-

Also also, hey new character art! This is the previously mentioned chef of the castle, who stopped giving a frick two decades ago lol. Say hello to Jasper!

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Sabre walks through the castle corridor, wondering what M had asked him to meet him at the main hall today. As far as he knew, there wasn't anything special planned. However, M seemed really excited about something.

As he rounded the last corner, he saw the Red Leader, M, and a few Red Steves with adventurers' gear talking in front of the large main door. M notices Sabre enter, and happily waves him over, the Leader and the other Red Steves continuing to talk. M steps away from the group for a little bit to meet Sabre in the middle of the room.

"Hey! Glad you made it!" M smiles.

"What's all this about?" Sabre asks. "It looks like there's something going on."

"There is. It's time for one of the scouting groups to go outside the Kingdom for materials." M says excitedly. "Dad lets me go with them because I always want to take whatever chance I can get to see outside the borders. I was wondering if you wanted to go too? You've stayed inside of the kingdom since you got here, and I figured you probably miss seeing the outside world-"

"I, uh- I've actually never seen outside any of the kingdoms." Sabre says. "Is it any different from normal landscapes? I have no idea."

M just stops in his tracks, a weird expression on his face. He's silent for a few seconds.

" ...What."

"Yeah, I've... I've only ever seen the different Chromatic kingdoms, the Library, the temple, and the Hub. Closest I got to actually seeing more of the Realm is being on a kingdom's outskirts. I figured there was just nothing special about outside the civilizations..."

M stands there for a moment, then turns and walks over to the Red Leader.


"Yes, Amaris?" The Red Leader asks, momentarily stopping his conversation with the explorers to answer his son.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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