Chapter 6: Contact

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Following advice from the Professor, Sabre rested in his room the next day, just in case he needed some recovery time after what Shadow tried to pull.

M would often come by to talk to him, sometimes joined by the Red Leader, and on one occasion the Leader visited Sabre by himself. The conversation was a little awkward, with both of them being nervous (Sabre didn't know what the Leader could be nervous about), but it was still nice.

The morning after, Sabre woke up to M knocking on his door.

"Hey Sabre, good morning!" M calls from the other side.

"Morning, M." Sabre replies, getting out of bed and walking to the door.

"Heads up, you've gotten a few... deliveries this morning." M says, sounding like he was holding back a laugh.

Sabre, now very confused, grasped the doorknob and opened the door.

"What do you mean I-"

Sabre stops mid-sentence as he sees the pile of packages, all neatly wrapped in various shades of red paper. Most of the parcels have letters tucked into their wrapping. The pile is surrounded by multiple vases of roses, ranging from a handful of the flowers to large bouquets decorated with a ribbon wrapped around the vase. M stands to the side, leaning against the wall. Sabre just stands there for a few minutes.

"...You okay?" M asks, chuckling a little at Sabre's bewildered expression.

"Where did all this come from-?" Sabre says, eyes darting from package to package, and switching from looking at the pile to the many bundles of roses.

"The townsfolk have been waiting for a good opportunity to properly welcome you." M explains. "I guess with your shadow gone, they decided to do this as like... a welcome and a celebration? I dunno, I just saw some of the castle attendants placing these here and asked what was going on."

Sabre continues to just stand there.

"You need help moving them all into your room, or...?"

"These- These are all for me?"

"Of course they are, silly! Who else would they be for?" M laughs.

Sabre stumbles over his words for a moment.

"I- Uh- Y-Yes. I'd... like some help moving these." He eventually replies, kneeling down to pick up a few of the packages.

As Sabre goes back inside his room to find a place to put them down, M grabs a few packages and follows. It takes quite a few trips, but they soon move all of the gifts into a spot in Sabre's room. Now, all that's left is the vases of roses.

As Sabre looks around his room for spots to put the two vases he's carrying, M spots the Red Leader approaching as he picks up a vase. The Red Leader walks over.

"Good morning, Amaris." The Leader smiles.

"Morning dad." M smiles back. "I'm just helping Sabre move all the stuff he received from the townsfolk into his room."

"Did he take the surprise well?" The Leader asks.

"Oh, so you asked those attendants to put them all here?"

"Yes, I know that Sabre's still a bit anxious about leaving his room, so I thought he'd appreciate them being here instead of the main entrance. Honestly, the sheer amount of gifts surprised me. I go to check the entrance because I heard a noise, and poof- there's a wall of parcels almost completely blocking off the doors!"

"It was a shock to Sabre, too." M replies, giggling. "It was like when the Assistant gets a computing error."

"Oh, I hope that wasn't a bad reaction..." The Red Leader mumbles.

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