Part 1 - Highway Patrol

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"Evelina," Elijah spoke on the phone, "Come back to New Orleans. I'm sure we can work out a solution to this issue. We'll find a cure." He pleaded.

"No." I replied, I was fed up with the Gemini Coven, not that they had done much, just the fact that my sister Rebekah was currently dying of a curse and the Gemini Coven were the only witches that could reverse it.

"I'm just going to bring a few Geminis back to the quarter. I'll see you later Elijah." I said plainly, "Evelina plea-," He began but I cut him off, hanging up the phone and stepping on the accelerator of the car that I was in, carelessly going way over the speed limit, speeding right past a car with big white writing on the side, 'Highway Patrol'.

I looked in the rear view mirror, and saw the flashing sirens immediately flick on and the small car begin speeding behind me, making a loud screeching noise.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, I could do with a snack, I thought, slowly pulling over to the side of the road and halting to a stop, and the police car came to an abrupt stop behind me.

The police car door opened on the drivers side and a peculiar looking man stepped out.
I leaned back in my seat impatiently, and I looked at the watch on my wrist, it was getting late and I was losing light.

So, without a second thought, I clicked open the car door, stepping out, and slamming the door behind me.
I stood by my car, and eyed the police officer as he neared closer to me, "Evening miss." He exclaimed as he finally reached me.

"Hey.." My sentence trailed off and my eyes flicked to the small name tag on his shirt pocket, "Kurt." I finished.

He seemed slightly surprised by my informality, and he raised his brows in expectancy.
"You were driving well over the speed limit miss." He said, slightly shaking his head as he reached into one of the many belt pouches that were on his waist.

He pulled out a small flap book, flicking through the many white sheets of paper and taking a pen out of his shirt pocket.

I chuckled lightly, turning my head away and bit the inside of my cheek in amusement. He looked up from his flap book, "Something funny?" He asked with his eyes slightly narrowed.

I shook my head with a dashing smile, he studied my face for a short moment, "I'm gonna need to see some ID." He exclaimed and held out his hand in front of him.

I nodded and felt around my clothes, and I scoffed sharply, "I don't seem to have it on me Kurt. Sorry." I deadpanned, ever so slightly accentuating the last word.

He stared at me, thrown off once again by my lack of formality, he blinked once, twice, three times.
"How old are you?" He finally asked, and my eyes lit up, "Too young for you." I replied with a smirk, playfully hitting his arm.

He gave me a pointed look, expecting something from me, and I inhaled deeply, sighing, "I don't really know how old I am Kurt, I stopped caring four hundred years ago." I breathed.

His eyes widened, then after a moment he reached forward and clasped my forearm with his pale hand, "Alright, you're coming with me." He exclaimed, but just as he reached with his other hand for the small radio on his collar, I quickly grabbed his hand that was tightly holding my arm.

He groaned in pain as I slowly but surely began yanking it off my arm, twisting it around slightly until I heard bones cracking.
Then, he looked at me in fear when I felt the veins under my eyes popping out of my face, and my irises turning bright red.

I chuckled, before yanking him forward by his wrist and using my other hand to grapple his shoulder, pulling him close to me, and snarling right before I sunk my pointy teeth into his neck, sucking the blood out of his body.

He screamed in pain, clearly hoping there was some other person around to help him.
He kept screaming, and he reached forward slightly to hold my shoulder, trying to push me away.

After a few seconds, his hand slipped away from my shoulder, and I pulled my fangs out of his neck, the euphoric feeling of the human blood moving down my throat. I let him fall to the ground, unmoving, motionless, dead.

I wiped some of the blood that had dripped down my chin with my index finger, bringing it to my mouth and sucking the blood off my finger, snickering as I turned around, and walked towards my car.

Kai Parker ~ Black sheepWhere stories live. Discover now