Part 2 - Earlier..

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I returned from the market I had been touring with Rebekah.
"Ah I missed this place." Rebekah said, I looked at her, but I frowned, I studied her face, the big, dark brown eyes, glistening off the lights that hung around the streets of New Orleans.

I couldn't recognise her, her features had completely changed, and the change in her skin tone caused me to think I was looking into the eyes of a stranger.

I sighed, "Bex.." I began but she cut me off, "I know what you're going to say Ev. It's not going to happen, not until we get Kol back." She said.

I bit my tongue, mostly to stop myself from arguing back at her.

She sighed as well, "Are you still involved with that bloody coven." Rebekah asked me, changing the subject and piercing my soul with her new eyes.
"What was it called again?" She asked, I wasn't sure whether or not she was asking me or herself. "Was it Judo Coven? Godrics Coven?" She questioned with a half amused half confused look on her face.

I chuckled, "Gemini Coven." I corrected, eyeing her.
"Ah, that's it." She replied, laughing slightly, her black curls bouncing as she laughed.

"No, I'm not. But I can surely say that they're not very fond of me." I snickered as we turned a corner.

We continued walking to the French Quarter, entering through the main entry way, and into the courtyard.
Rebekah looked up and around at everything as though she had never been here, but this was her home, and she had been here before, just not recently.

I exhaled, Rebekah had been looking for a witch that was capable of finding her a spell that would ultimately bring our brother Kol back.

"Are you sure you have to leave?" I questioned sadly as we both halted to a stop and I turned to face Rebekah.
She smiled kindly, something glistening in her dark eyes, "I do." She replied softly, and leaned in for a hug.

I hugged her tightly, not knowing when I'd see her again, "I wish you the best of luck sister." I said, smiling back at her.

Rebekah opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a woman walking towards us.
I recognised her immediately, "Judy Parker." I greeted, though I wasn't entirely sure whether or not I was saying 'hi' to her, or if I was saying her name out of surprise.

"Forgive me Evelina. But your family has unfortunately gotten out of hand, and needs to be separated further." Was the only warning she gave me before she held out both of her hands in front of her and began chanting a spell.

My eyes widened as I looked over at Rebekah, whose eyes were rolling to the back of her head, and her nose was bleeding.

My gaze flicked back to Judy, whose nose was also bleeding, and I narrowed my eyes as I sped over to her, clasping her neck in my hand and lifting her off the ground.

I threw her across the courtyard, quickly reaching for my phone in my pocket as I raced back to Rebekah, who was unconscious on the ground, blood on her face and mouth hanging open.

I dialled Elijah's phone number, and brought the phone to my ear, anxiously looking back at Judy every once in a while.

I rested my hand on Rebekah's arm, trying to siphon something, anything bad away from her, but all I felt was normal magic, her magic, not the magic that Judy had bestowed upon her.

"Evelina?" Elijah's voice finally spoke on the other end of the phone line, "Thank Christ, Elijah." I exclaimed, out of breath from my panic.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, concern lacing his usually warm tone.
I shook my head as though he could see me, "No, it's Rebekah, a witch has done something to her. I've tried siphoning it, but it's not working." I responded, my panicking voice becoming more and more noticeable.

"I'm not far, I'm coming to the quarter." Elijah quickly said before he hung up the phone, leaving me beside my sister.

After about one minute, to my thankfulness, Elijah sped through the entry way to the quarter, and stopped in front of Rebekah, bending down and studying her.

"You have siphoned her correct?" Elijah asked hurriedly, I nodded, my gaze not moving from Rebekah's motionless body.

My breath became shaky, and I was sure I was going to pass out, this wasn't happening, I couldn't.. I refused to lose another sibling.

I didn't need to turn around in order to know that Judy had somehow stood up, I heard her, I could smell the blood dripping from her veins and onto her skin.

I looked up at Elijah, who made eye contact with me, darkness clouded his green eyes, giving me enough permission to turn around and speed to Judy, sinking my teeth into her neck.

She cried out in pain as my other hand held her wrist, siphoning the magic away from her body like sap pouring out of a tree.

She grabbed my arm to steady herself as I pulled my teeth out of her throat, blood dripping from my mouth and veins pulsing below my eyes.

She chuckled lightly, which caught me off guard, "Don't kill the messenger." Was all she managed was o blurt out, her eyes began to flutter shut as the loss of blood got to her head.

I studied her pale face, people being drained of blood was not a good look.

My eyes flickered with something, darkness, anger, an inhumane feeling that consumed me, pulling me into the abyss through my mind.

Elijah sensed it, he snapped his head up and stared at me with wide eyes, "Evelina!"

I turned my head to face him, "What is it?" I asked holding Judy up by her curly blonde hair.

"Let that woman go, she can help us." Elijah said hurriedly, the grin on my lips disappeared slowly, and I cocked my head to the side, watching as Elijah rose from the ground.

"Are you trying to bargain with me Elijah?" I questioned, eyes narrowed, then I turned back around to face Judy, and I violently shook her awake, when her eyes slowly flapped open, I scowled at her, "What did you do to my sister?" I asked with anger lacing my tone.

She laughed, blood dripping out of her mouth, "Only the Coven can reverse the effects of my spell." She breathed, huffing as the air in her lungs began to flow out of her.

"Would you like to know something about me, Judy?" I asked, sneering at her as she looked at me, breathing deeply, she chuckled again.

I looked at her blankly, before opening my mouth, "I am a ruthless, cold blooded killer, and I will do what I think is right in the moment." A cold grin appeared on my lips , "And that is why I do believe in killing the messenger," I watched as her eyes widened slightly, breath hitching in her throat and heart beat increasing, "Do you want to know why?" I asked, and her breathing increased further, she was panicking, and it amused me, in the most dreadful way possible, "Because it sends a message."

Less than a second later, I raised my head beside my head, and hit Judy in the side of the head so hard that her head disconnected from her shoulders.

Her head fell the ground a few feet away from her headless body. I untangled my hand out of her blonde hair, and let her lifeless body fall to the cold, stone floor.

I stared down at her, and slowly I turned around to face Elijah, who was eyeing me, not moving his gaze from mine.

I sighed, "I'm going on a trip Elijah." I deadpanned, walking straight past him and through the main entry way, leaving Rebekah in the hands of my noble brother.

Alright guys so ik this prob doesn't make sense cos if Rebekah dies in her witch body she'll just come back in her vampire body. No. In this book, she has to be in decent health and a spell must be performed for her to return to her vampire body, that's why Evelina is panicking. :)
Also idk what the Parker's mums name is so I just called her Judy.

Kai Parker ~ Black sheepWhere stories live. Discover now