We Are Rivals From Now

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If you asked Ace's ex-girlfriend if Ace was a good boyfriend, the answer would be no. Rightfully, and fairly so.

Ace isn't a romantic. He thinks it's a waste of his time that could be used to hang out with friends, and do cool things with said friends. Because why in the world would he trade his friend-time for a date he has zero interest in?

This all changed (very badly in his opinion) when he started catching feelings for one of his friends. Ironically, the one friend who he relentlessly mocks, Deuce Spade. Now, Ace wouldn't exactly say that Deuce was his type. In fact, he didn't know he could fall in love with a boy! ...Actually, he was just skeptical about his ability to fall in love with anyone in general.

Deuce wasn't bad-looking. Quite the opposite really, he's incredibly pretty, with his long lashes, elegant facial expression, and his cute smile; despite the fact that he sometimes comes with a hair-trigger temper. It was still enough for one to look at him, and point out that he was a generally attractive person. However, he's also an airhead, and incredibly stubborn that the two boys bump heads every time over something minor which lowers Ace's perception of Deuce sometimes.

To be fair, most of their arguments were caused by Ace. He found it very entertaining to push Deuce to his limit. This is exactly what he's confused about; how the hell did he come to the conclusion that he likes the idiot who he often messes around with?

The catharsis for this was definitely because of the stupid Valentine's Day event that Cater senpai had planned out. Anonymous confessions or whatever it was actually called.

"Ace, could you help me with this?" Deuce whined from over his table. "I don't understand any of it..."

"Ehh, didn't we literally just learn about it this morning?" Ace was lying on his bed, his stomach on the mattress. Dressed for bed, Ace was way too lazy to get angry about teaching Deuce. He was convinced that teaching Grim how to play basketball was more feasible than teaching Deuce basic algebra, "Why do you always go to me for help anyways? I thought you hated me~"

Deuce turned around, looking Ace straight in the eyes, his brows furrowed, "I don't hate you."

"Wh- what?"

"I said I don't hate you. You're my rival and I can't stand you sometimes, but you're still my friend, Ace. I couldn't possibly hate you, not forever at least."

It took approximately 5 seconds before Ace laughed, shattering the silence that had landed. "Of course, I know, idiot! I was just joking. Who knew you'd actually take it to heart!"

"I- I knew that!" Deuce stammered, "I just-"

"Wanted to make sure that I knew you valued me?" Ace winked, "Aw, you shouldn't have."

"You-" Deuce huffed, standing up from his chair. "This is- never mind! I'm going downstairs to ask for Rosehearts senpai's help!"

Ace watched as he huffed and puffed his way to the door. Ace waited until Deuce opened the door and was outside their room before-

"Don't forget to tell him how much you don't hate him!"

The door shut. Ace could hear angry muttering and footsteps that were getting further away. Once he made sure he was finally alone, he slammed his hot face into his pillow, screaming at it. His legs were kicking up in the air, and only stopped once he was tired of yelling. His voice felt raspy from it, but the heat didn't subside from his cheeks. He could only assume at that moment it was because of Deuce being embarrassing, it had happened often enough that this routine afterward felt normal to Ace.

[ADEUYUU FANFIC] How To Get The Boy: A Guide By Yuu & AceWhere stories live. Discover now