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Okay, there's gonna be an AN in every chappie. Usually two. Here we go!


(Lex's POV)

I woke up groggily and stumbled down the steps of my wooden, pixelated home. "Morning sweetie! How'd ya sleep?" Asked my mom.

"I dreamt about it again, mom." She tucked her pink and purple hair behind her ears, displaying her budder, as my dad calls it, earrings.

"It's okay darling. Here, have some eggs." She put a plate of scrambled eggs on the table in front of me.(I am fully aware that you can't eat the eggs) I shoved the last fork full into my mouth as my sister, Kat, and my dad raced each other down the stairs.

"Beat ya dad!" My sister called out as she jumped up and down at the bottom of our staircase.

"Dang it! This is what I get for raising a ninja!" My dad cried, his budder amulet bouncing off of his chest as he laughed at his own remark. By now you could guess who my parents are, the famous Brine hunters, Sky and Dawn. Kat and I were adopted by them when we were young. We were traumatized by Herobrine, he killed our families. Since our adopted parents hunt Brines for a living, we were raised to hunt them too. No, there's not just one Brine. Herobrine had 'children'. They are the kids of the Minecraftians he murdered, Kat and I are the only ones who weren't taken in by this monster. My dad had trained Kat and I as ninjas, extremely useful, by the way. My older sister had been originally taken by the monster, but my dad saved her from him. My father and my adopted dad had been close friends, so he was there when my father and mother were murdered. Herobrine almost killed my dad too.

"Lex, wanna go pig riding?" Asked Kat, breaking me from my mini trance.

"Uh, sure? Why not. Race you to Uncle Ty's!" I jumped down the steps to our front porch and bolted towards the stables where we keep Damien and Ninja Pig. Mine's Damien, Kat loves being a ninja so that's what she named her pig. I jumped onto Damien's blocky back and got out my carrot on a stick. He started to run in the direction that the carrot was pointing at. I arrived at Uncle Ty's house in no time, Kat following not to far behind.

"I win!" I cheer as I jump onto Uncle Ty's porch.

"Okay, okay, I get it. You're always the faster one on ground level." Kat replied, giving Ninja Pig his carrot. I walked over to Damien and fed him a couple of carrots, I've always fed him extra.

"Well, if it isn't my two favorite nieces?" Uncle Ty! I looked up from my pig and tucked my black and green hair behind my ear.

"Uncle Ty!" Kat and I exclaimed in unison. He picked up the blue headphones off of my head and held them up to his face.

"When did ya get these? Last time I saw you two, you both looked different. Lex, you didn't have these things, and Kat, you didn't have that ender hoodie." He pointed out. He was right, we haven't seen him in like, two months.

"You're right. So, what have you been up to, Uncle Ty?" I asked.

"Oh, ya know. Killing squids, Brines, sheep. The usual." Kat looked a little confused when she heard the clucking of a chicken from inside Uncle Ty's cobblestone house.

"Is that a chicken I hear?" Kat asked, sounding mad. Did I mention that she hates chickens? Just don't get me started on sheep, their so annoying!

"Yeah, I was just about to kill it and eat it." Replied our uncle. Kat relaxed instantly. After a while of talking, it started to get dark, but it was only noon! The three of us raced inside, preparing for a storm. We brought the pigs in too. The first thing Kat wanted to do was kill the chicken sitting on the table in the middle of Uncle Ty's home. She asked our uncle and he nodded a yes, Kat took out her lemon dagger and plunged it into the chicken's ribcage. Did I mention that she strayed from calling gold budder and started calling it lemon? Ugh, so many differences in our family! I'm not taking the time to explain now.

~Boop! Time skippeh!~

We were just sitting around the fire place that our uncle carefully built after his trip to the Nether when I heard laughing coming from outside. Apparently, I'm not the only one who heard it, because Uncle Ty and Kat exchanged looks. I pulled out my emerald dagger (MNL reference :3 [My New Life]) and crept to the window. I peered out into the darkness only to find a pair of menacingly glowing white eyes starring into the window. A Brine was starring at me, I've never actually killed one, surprisingly. My mom and dad took out the last in this area before they took us in, the murderers of our parents being the last ones. I signaled for Kat and Uncle Ty to go behind me for back up, it was my time to shine. I ran out into the pouring rain with my emerald daggers ready to kill. I lunged out into the cold rain where my foe was breathing their last breath. As I plunged my weapons into my foe's chest, lightning flashed across the plains biome displaying the figures of multiple Brines and their uncraftable weapons.

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