III: Part Two

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Towards the end of the week, II finds Vessel at his piano, trying his best to get a certain tune right. Its sad, as all of Vessel's songs seem to be, haunting in its melody as the notes carry through the room. The large instrument has been cleaned of dust and now shines as much as it can with its age and clear signs of use.

II perks up at the sight of Vessel anyway, a smile pulling at his lips as the other man scribbles furiously in his worn but well-cared for notebook that II knows holds all of his lyrics and melodies. II makes sure to knock on the practice room door and knows Vessel is alerted to his presence by the full-body flinch, though he doesn't turn his head, continuingto play softly. II had had a nightmare during the night before it settled into a restless sleep, but he was still exhausted from it bringing his death to the forefront of his mind again. All he wanted was to go lay with Vessel, to be in his presence even if they couldn't talk, but Vessel's door was closed and the bond a dark void. So II went to lay with III instead, to keep an eye on them as he pet Elvira to soothe himself as best as he could. It worked, somewhat. When the sun rose, II went searching for Vessel, knowing the other man was usually in the practice room about this time.

Wanting affection in a way it used to be so freely given, II rests his head on Vessel's thigh and looks up at him through tired eyes. Vessel hits the wrong key and his breath hitches, interrupting his playing and singing, but after a moment, he continues. When that song is done, he continues playing with one hand, letting the other come to rest on II's head, carding through his hair gently. Vessel doesn't speak to him even now, but II doesn't mind that much, accepting that he simply can't force any words out, even if it hurts to not hear him. Vessel isn't pushing him away and that is all II can ask for.

While Vessel plays, II feels himself drifting off, watching every movement Vessel makes through half-lidded eyes. Vessel's thigh is cool under his cheek through the material of his loose jeans and the bandages. With Vessel by his side, it is easier for II to find rest, having become used to his presence for months before things went to shit. The hand through his hair is soothing, and II loosely wraps his arms around Vessel's leg in an awkward position as he kneels on the ground. Its comfortable being with Vessel, but II knows his knees, his back, his neck, will all hate him later. Sleep welcomes him into their realm with open arms, and II is lulled to sleep with the comfort of Vessel's hand upon his head and the sound of the piano.

Vessel refuses to move his legs. He doesn't know what made II decide to lay on him like this, but Vessel has missed the closeness. II's head is warm on his thigh though it stings the cuts beneath his bandages, and Vessel makes no move to get up. Not when he can feel III's soft breath against the material of his jeans as it seeps into his skin slowly. Vessel continues playing, only moving his hand from II's hair when a song requires it, and he purposefully plays songs that don't need it too often. After a while, II begins to snore softly and Vessel huffs a soft laugh, allowing himself this moment with II when things will soon change.

It must have been about an hour later when Vessel feels III's bond become active, the fuzziness of sleep making way for wakefulness. He waits for the inevitable pain, how unfortunate it is that he will need to wake II, but finds that none comes. He thinks he should go and be there when III wakes from his transformation, but isn't willing to move II, isn't willing for the moment between them to end. He wants this to last forever, this moment of peace Vessel is allowing himself.

Footsteps alert Vessel to the thirds presence, and turns his head to find them at the door of the practice room. Their mask is off, a fanged grin pulling widely at their cheeks and there is amusement and something else laced into their bond. Curly blond hair is loose, greasy from not being washed, and their ocean eyes are surrounded by pitch darkness. Elvira lets herself hang in their arms, looking pissed at the world but making no move to escape. He's beautiful, and Vessel doesn't want to look away, breath caught in his throat.

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