Chapter 9: Fungus (part 1)✔️✔️

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I don't own any of primeval, it's plot or characters unfortunately. However, Katherina and her family are mine. All credit and rights go to impossible pictures.



I walked into The ARC with Lester, having stayed at his house with my father and brother the night before. They were supposed to be leaving back to our home town of Leyland, North-West England soon and I wanted to see them properly before they left.

Lester and I nodded to a member of security who walked past, before Lester suddenly stopped and began to back track. He stopped next to the kitchen, me following, and slowly entered. I followed his gaze to see Connor, sleeping on the couch, his underwear hanging around the room to dry out.

Lester coughed loudly, instantly waking Connor and causing him to fall off the couch.

"Do you always bring this much stuff to work?" Lester questioned as he scanned the room.

Connor began panicking and quickly packing his stuff away.

"Uhhhh..." Connor looked anywhere but at us. "Yes," he stood straight. "Like to be prepared."

"I know some of the creatures can be frightening," Lester sent a glance to Connor. "But surely this many pairs of underpants is over doing it."

Connor smiled unsurely as Lester exited the room.

"Smooth." I grinned as soon as Lester was out of hearing range.

Connor groaned as he attempted to get his shoes on.

Suddenly, red lights began blaring and alarms sounded. However, it wasn't the usual alarm for the anomalies, this sound was different.

It was the intruder alarm.

Connor and I shared a quick glance. He skipped over to a kennel in the far corner and lifted a blanket covering it - it was empty.

"Oh crap," Connor cursed. "Where's Sid?"

I narrowed my eyes and groaned his name.

"Really?" I turned and began walking to help him find his missing Diictodon.

We ran into the corridor in time to see Jenny walking with Becker who was aiming his gun at the door in front of him.

"Intruder in sector 7," he said calmly. "No identification as yet."

Connor ran to them.

"Is it small and ugly in a kind of cute way?" He rushed urgently.

Jenny frowned, confused.

"Just a guess." Connor muttered.

Suddenly, Becker stepped forward with two of his men, ready to kick the door in.

Jenny stopped, worry etching into her features.

"Helen," she whispered to Connor and I. She then turned to Becker. "Be prepared to shoot on sight."

Becker stepped forward, handgun drawn, and kicked the door open.

He tensed forward and stopped at the sight of the one and only Danny Quinn, standing in the stairwell.

"Wow wow wow." His eyes widened at the sight of Becker, his hands raised.

"I really don't believe it." Jenny exclaimed.

"You don't give up do you?" I smiled, happy.

I like this guy, I think he could be good for us after everything that's happened.

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